Seeing Maki without Nico is the best. She meshes with everyone so well but they had to make her canon with the worst girl.
I know Nico isn't the best people but saying she is the worst it hurt you know, I read so may other Maki pairing, Honomaki, Rinmaki, Makipana, Elimaki, even Umimaki, and i have to be honest even with all that Nico is still the best for Maki (this opinon of mine is ignoring Love live manga/purely anime because i know in manga yeah Nico and Maki is closer and Nico more mature),
Sometime people, the best people for you is not the best people out there or public hero but maybe the worst people out there, public enemy, but your own private hero:)
So yeah even after countless other Makixother doujinshi or fanfiction, my favorite still nicomaki