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joined Aug 23, 2014

this becoming interesting, not because of love triangle, but because of what i thought Yuu will feel if she saw Sayaka even dare to kiss Touko, if she keep on not feeling anything after witnessing such a thing well, Yuu is truly a asexual and i wonder will Touko will keep thinking it's the best choice when her love is one side

Image Comments 17 Apr 06:04
joined Aug 23, 2014

@Rye , i prefer to think this is in their season 1 room, cuz Sanya already have that cushion in season 1 (she use it to sleep every where even in meeting since episode 3), in season 2 before Yoshika have to bought it for Eila, she didn't have it/lost it or whatever, so that's is why when Eila asked for that super specific pillow i already know the reason behind it, Yup Eila want Sanya to have it

Image Comments 16 Apr 00:01
joined Aug 23, 2014

jealous ella, always thinking miyafuji is her enemy

Image Comments 15 Apr 23:44
joined Aug 23, 2014

ha ha ha

Image Comments 07 Apr 12:04
joined Aug 23, 2014

ha ha kaga mind so dirty, lol

joined Aug 23, 2014

I keep rereading chapter 10 because Yuu's actions and what she says is very contradicting. Why would you chase after someone and comprise in what you believe in if you don't love them. Her motives for helping Nanami is that she is feeling lonely and that they are friends is very flimsy. You wouldn’t do that for someone who is just a friend you just have to look at how Yuu treats her other friends compared to Nanami and you can see that she goes above and beyond for Nanami by far.

^ That's the thing. Yuu already loves Nanami, she just doesn't realize it yet since there's no sparks or butterflies in her stomach like those romance novels she likes.

Hnng no that sounds really off to me
You know how cus of heteronormative norms, it's like people believe that two characters of opposite sex in fiction can't just be friends? They have to be love interests? The two leads have to sleep together at some point before the climatic finale?
I do believe that Yuu will one day feel something different for Nanami, but I'm not sure if I agree that currently, what she feels is "more than friendship".
I feel like, all these arguments that Yuu wouldn't be doing " all of this for Nanami if she didn't love her already" aren't particularly convincing to me either.
It could very well be the case, but I don't feel like it's for certain currently. Can a person not go out of their way for another without harboring romantic feelings for them?
Ofc I'm not hoping for some kind of "just friends" end, omg no that'd be shit, but I'm just saying that, for the eventual romantic ending, it's clear to me that although Yuu already holds Nanami to higher regards than she does others, it's gonna need way more for that to cross over to any possible zones of romantic feelings. I believe that somehow Nakatani will work it out and that it will be character development-wise complexe and wonderful, but that right now, the cliche'd line "she already loves her, she just doesn't realise it yet" really doesn't cut it out for me, and hopefully not this manga, because as a whole, Bloom Into You is already very out of the ordinary and sentimentally complex, the characters are all deeply fleshed out. I think that it deserves more than the simple "ah but it was there all along", to tie the final knot.

joined Aug 23, 2014

I keep rereading chapter 10 because Yuu's actions and what she says is very contradicting. Why would you chase after someone and comprise in what you believe in if you don't love them. Her motives for helping Nanami is that she is feeling lonely and that they are friends is very flimsy. You wouldn’t do that for someone who is just a friend you just have to look at how Yuu treats her other friends compared to Nanami and you can see that she goes above and beyond for Nanami by far.

^ That's the thing. Yuu already loves Nanami, she just doesn't realize it yet since there's no sparks or butterflies in her stomach like those romance novels she likes.

Hnng no that sounds really off to me
You know how cus of heteronormative norms, it's like people believe that two characters of opposite sex in fiction can't just be friends? They have to be love interests? The two leads have to sleep together at some point before the climatic finale?
I do believe that Yuu will one day feel something different for Nanami, but I'm not sure if I agree that currently, what she feels is "more than friendship".
I feel like, all these arguments that Yuu wouldn't be doing " all of this for Nanami if she didn't love her already" aren't particularly convincing to me either.
It could very well be the case, but I don't feel like it's for certain currently. Can a person not go out of their way for another without harboring romantic feelings for them?
Ofc I'm not hoping for some kind of "just friends" end, omg no that'd be shit, but I'm just saying that, for the eventual romantic ending, it's clear to me that although Yuu already holds Nanami to higher regards than she does others, it's gonna need way more for that to cross over to any possible zones of romantic feelings. I believe that somehow Nakatani will work it out and that it will be character development-wise complexe and wonderful, but that right now, the cliche'd line "she already loves her, she just doesn't realise it yet" really doesn't cut it out for me, and hopefully not this manga, because as a whole, Bloom Into You is already very out of the ordinary and sentimentally complex, the characters are all deeply fleshed out. I think that it deserves more than the simple "ah but it was there all along", to tie the final knot.

Yeah i completely agree with you, Yuu really need to differentiate between really caring for someone and deeply in love with someone, i think right now Yuu is only at the level of really caring for Nanami, maybe some people will say she goes way beyond for Nanami, but i think she did that for every one, when that person feeling involve her she just doesn't want to her hurt that person (her friend in middle school in a a fine example, it took her so many tried and failed to actually reject him)

and actually speaking of Nanami, i don't know why for me right now because of chapter 10 she come to be a selfish person, she know it herself how lonely to not be able to love someone and how wonderful it is to be able to love someone, but despite all that she didn't want Yuu to fall in love (not with her and she already asked Yuu to never fall in love with anyone else), right now really Nanami love come to be a selfish kind to me, a love to oneself not the other person, i feel the one she love right now is herself instead of Yuu

Lily Love discussion 06 Mar 18:28
joined Aug 23, 2014

incredible this story just so awesome, i am not really sure what is it, but this story make me hot more than a full blown NSFW lot of sex story lol (sometime a manga with those tag didn't do anything to me anymore ha ha ha aha), the passion just so great it shot right at kokoro lol

joined Aug 23, 2014

wow this is such a crazy manga, fun but sad ahh just so many emotion, but really we can't change other its their life

joined Aug 23, 2014

hii, can anyone explain to me school system in Japan, cuz here i read the sempai is in 3'rd years right and the previous president should be also in 3'rd year right (if it's 3 years school system), from what i read the the sempai is more popular than the current/previous president since 1'st years, but why would she loss the election in 2'nd year to him, and also isn't a 3'rd year student usually not allowed to be president cuz they are going to graduate, (it just it kind of irony why she is loss the election in 2'nd year and have to be doing it in her 3'rd year) and people always assume she is going to be president, thanks before

joined Aug 23, 2014

funny, i absulutely love Hikage those punchline, what a sadist thought it seem she have a soft side

Saki discussion 02 Jan 09:00
joined Aug 23, 2014

OMG Ritz, this is really really unexpected, Kiyosumi really got lucky so final battle Saki really going to be the mediocre one lol

Saki discussion 10 Oct 20:38
joined Aug 23, 2014

so now against online player sure its going to be hard right now, but i think Ritz just want to build Saki resistent in Captain match

joined Aug 23, 2014

happy b'day maki. and thats it so mauch meat

joined Aug 23, 2014

Happy bday maki-chan, hope u getting more cute by the day

joined Aug 23, 2014

Ha ha ha Happy b'day Maki chan, you are so cute

NicoMakiss discussion 09 Mar 09:20
joined Aug 23, 2014

Happy Late b'day Rexbandit, great present

joined Aug 23, 2014

ha ha ha its worth it isnt it Nico-chan

Image Comments 07 Mar 07:48
joined Aug 23, 2014


Image Comments 24 Feb 11:49
joined Aug 23, 2014

wohoo sexy lol

joined Aug 23, 2014

sp funny

joined Aug 23, 2014

someone is jealous her girlfriend is having fun

Image Comments 12 Feb 06:31
joined Aug 23, 2014

Maki look like Teru Miyanaga

joined Aug 23, 2014

Complete?! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

huh where it say complete

joined Aug 23, 2014

Ha ha ha clueless Maki always so cute