The one real choice also f**k ryan
Very cute. I really need to get around to finishing chapter 2. Also, does Susie count as Lizard or Not lizard?
Not lizard
A reference to a SIFAS Daily Theater, another TL of which can be seen here
o/////o those bite marks
last edited at Sep 27, 2021 10:03PM
Beware the Talking Butt.
^isn't gravity more of a polite suggestion as far as Koko's concerned tho?
there's something i don't understand.. the video cam isn't even rolling-
"moona's one weakness"
There's the Moona harem and there's the one true love
"Shall we dance?"
we got kronii dancing with mumei and now we got fauna with sana is chaos gonna dance alone then?
"HEY MOONA" 9999999 DMG
kiara wearing calli's hoodie :')
i don't think takamori's dead. some fans were just overreacting at kiara's statement. she didn't wanna limit herself. she literally just wanna have more than just one waifu. give her all the waifus she needs.
Cheea's art is here on Dynasty, finally! Hope she sees this too~
Well, Diana got her peace sign photo in the end
^In the collab the dancing stems from the 4 of them dogpiled Bae and danced with her as a group haha
Edit here:
last edited at Sep 27, 2021 10:50PM
^They don't look sad or depressed, just passionately into each other. So your attempt to make this depressing has no power here for me :P
Lumine where are you putting that hand?!?! xD
^^ You mean "grossing the gap" ;)
^on the baron bunny
^is that what the kids are calling it these days...?
^ Yeah, a hundred million years mythical creatures are allowed to have harems!! umu umu~~
Who is Bluto? Bluto from Popeye?
@beccamyoui They're grossing the line
^My guess'd be lizard because she's just a humanoid lizard, kinda like an argonian.
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