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joined Jan 27, 2016

This can't end like this...

joined Aug 4, 2018

The joke's on me.
I read all 50+ pages of this thing, and only then I returned to the title page to check the tags and confirmed that there isn't a Yuri tag.

joined Feb 6, 2013

Are people really so pathetic that they bully other adults over not wanting to spend mpre time at work???

joined Jul 15, 2016

Are people really so pathetic that they bully other adults over not wanting to spend mpre time at work???

It's more of a jockeying for status thing: if you are stuck in a dead-end job, even small shifts in relative status feel like an accomplishment. Meng is an overachiever who hurts her colleagues' egos by being better than them at their job. Normally, lashing out at someone for merely being better than you is inhibited by the relationship you have with them, but Meng also repeatedly refuses to privately integrate with the group, leaving her without any social protection. This, combined with the fact that she did mess up this once by not locking her computer, gave her colleagues enough justification for "knocking her down a peg" for the sake of their own egos/self-image. This is, unfortunately, a very human thing to do.

last edited at May 26, 2021 11:22AM

joined May 23, 2021

Are people really so pathetic that they bully other adults over not wanting to spend mpre time at work???

Japanese work culture is disgusting, If you don't basically work yourself to death you're ostracized, maybe even fired.

joined May 23, 2021

Unpaid overtime is extremely common and expected in japanese society.

joined Jun 10, 2019

And she never even learned her name...

joined Dec 5, 2014

good stuff

joined Oct 1, 2014


joined Jun 12, 2023

Great story

joined Oct 6, 2014

Girl, don't ever leave the office without at least signing off the computer.

Interestingly enough, my old work used to not do this. We had a lot of ongoing documents and never really bothered to sign out when leaving work. Might just be really different work cultures though since I wouldn't be as comfortable doing that in a rat race work culture.

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