Forum › Kiss Me! Vampire Girls -Sisters Party- discussion

joined Jan 20, 2014

Seems like Mira has finally achieved the legendary tag of insane amounts of sex. It's about time.

I was thinking the same xDDD

Aich, that was cute in the end; the bad girl get punished, Ayumu reach ever more the Haruka's heart, and so, so, so incredible sex. My crotch can't handle it. I never expected I could die for low blood presure if I'm a woman.

joined Sep 23, 2017

Why is this not tagged with "Rape" considering it features it?

joined Mar 29, 2017

Why is this not tagged with "Rape" considering it features it?

If one rapes the rapist does that make the rape negative seeing as how the rape was in a group. Or could the rape simply be a product of consent if they expected to be raped because of the counter rape.
To visualize:
R X R = R! = R X C(CR!)
From this we can deduce ya... probly theres a stupid amount of rape.

joined Sep 23, 2017

Insane amounts of Rape

And yet it is STILL not tagged appropriately. Fuck knows why.

joined Nov 8, 2017

This was a crazy story from beginning to end.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Weird but whatever

joined Oct 3, 2018

Needs rape tag, plain and simple xD

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Ah I wish Ayumu and Haruka could have had a stronger bond than between Haruka and Shinku. Although the later two parts were much more persuasive in showcasing Haruka and Shinku's relationship so that was good.

I liked that Haruka was disgusted by her sister doing things with her, but if it's with her cousin guess that moral outrage doesn't count. XD It added a nice touch of characterization.

joined May 21, 2020

this is one crazy orgy

joined Feb 15, 2021

if the amazon was filled with those trees deforestation wouldn't exist

joined Oct 22, 2021

They should add the "what the fuck am I reading tag"

joined Mar 16, 2023

Amazing, Magnificent, Subarashi!

joined Jul 4, 2023

This shit is absolutely insane but its fire

joined Feb 18, 2024

Slaanesh was here.

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