lol she just plopped you face in it didn't even open her mouth XD
sigh if only i can use gif for profile pics...
This art is too beautiful
That's fine. I think she's cute with Gamagoori too. Either ship is fine with me, as long as Ryuuko isn't with Satsuki.
^-^ I luff this manga and citrus. Saburouta is such an amazing artist! x3
Mei in glasses. nose bleeds uncontrollably
I forget the name of that thing that they eating >.<
Love this artist's stuff, specially the ones with original characters.
Really HNNNNG-worthy stuff.
^Siberiana Their eating Crepe. I was wondering about Maki's clothes ......Is that one of her casual clothes or is it really a school uniform?
Lord jesus
The cuteness... argh...
How else do you stop an archer/sniper than to force them into close-range or hand-to-hand combat. Interesting pairing, I hope it's warm.
last edited at Dec 5, 2014 10:06PM
Thats SO cute and pretty.
This pic HAHAHAA! just XDXDXDXD how would this even work? too funny I like it! ^ Yeah archers are scrubs if you got good close range units...wait why am I talking about rpgs?
Bath time = Time to flirt some more.
Familiar artist is familiar, I love this and hope we get a new doujin too.
The faces remind me of Morishima's work.
Oh I like this artist keep em coming!
heh... every single time... (TT^TT)
Yeah that would drive me wild too...
@AkikoXi o.O
Ugh, I want more of them ;_;
^ To me it's something muuuuch more than that... hehe.
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