^It was announced the other day
This is what should have happened.
The lighting here feels intentional with Yuu being in the light while Ayumu is in the dark which gives me yandere vibes.
Use protection
Yuriwhale never disappoints.
I always love how intense YuriWhale's art is, and this was very enjoyable as well! Thanks for the upload!
Very nice
Yukiko getting NTR'd by herself
^Isn't she already a yandere? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63RhTfwItQc
This is way InaAmeGura as an ot3 is the only way I can ship them. Ina has two hands guys... and a lot of tentacles for everyone else in her harem
Lesbian Jaws coming to a streaming platform near you this Summer.
Haha backfired
Still kinda sad these two didnt end up together ngl
Lumine being smooth as hell, this is absurdly wholesome.
Damn I wonder what it tastes like if it got them like this
Cute AF
Oh. Nevermind.
Yeah, Yuriwhale just rules
"did you just fart..?"
Who's gonna eat who?
Every single Yuriwhale art is a bigger masterpiece than the previous one.
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