^Fairly certain.
These two are the best FGO ship imo
Hopefully in this timeline Jean can raise Klee not to become the menace of Mondstadt that she currently is.
"It is said that she was the person Petra loved the most....no homo."
My OTP!!
Huh, Sayo NSFW is usually with the illegal ship cough incest *cough Not that I mind this, more love for a good ship is always nice
I love both of their designs so much
^^^ That's because Kiara is bottom left, obviously.
There's also a short follow-up comic. I can't read Korean but I'm assuming it's something along the lines of Edelgard wanting Byleth to flirt with her like Dorothea and Petra are doing but Byleth just thinks she's hungry.
Does this count as working overtime?
YES! The ship I live for! I wish we could have more of them...
Saria : Mah, Sange...
last edited at Mar 30, 2021 4:14PM
I like it
It's here!!!! My TakoSame agenda has started!!!
@tarsis ultra Heh, staring directly at Calli's ass, I'd say bottom left is exactly correct.
^ Well we are in between seasons for the new series.
Yu is everywhere,,,, its a nice dream
They even stole the word _________
I love the ending song of this anime,,
my queens
Official tag is always the best proof of Canon
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