I liked the whole thing very much.
And yeah the ending was rushed. this happens so often not only here but in so many other doujinshi and manga too. At first there is a very nice pace and a good development and than the last chapter just goes at such a fast pace that it becomes kind of uncomprehesible. But I do think that if you write a story the by far hardest things are a good start that is interesting and that captivates you and more than that the hardest part is a good ending. and how it is told. It´s damn hard to end a story in a good pace and it´s even harder in doujinshi since they just don´t have the space to do so. thats, at least I think this way, is one of the reasons why ending often feel rushed.
See it in a positive way the ending could have been far worse and it´s not that bad. A bit of a disappointment yeah but very open for your own imagination so I see it as more than acceptable.
last edited at Feb 1, 2015 6:40AM