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joined May 25, 2020

it was fun read , really.

joined May 8, 2017

"Now, who was it who died?" (pg 66, last chapter)

me, I died

joined May 12, 2020

Love this very much!

to those who said this got a bad ending, might be because you are just emotionally weak. The tragedy part of the story is what makes it actually good. Just because it ended badly doesn't mean the story is awful. The author mentioned it here , if u want a fluff yuri LOOK ELSEWHERE!!!

joined Jul 23, 2020

that was so unexpected. i felt so empty inside, but i still loved it.

joined Apr 13, 2021

This was a good read. Granted, it made me broken inside but still a really nice read.

joined Dec 7, 2020

For some reason, I dreaded reading this story for a long because I was under the (false) impression that Ai was going to commit suicide (no idea why or how). Since I quite liked Ai, I was relieved when signs were pointing toward her resolving to live and it became clear Tomo was bearer of the (not here) tragedy tag.

I thought this was an okay read, but I did not like the ending. I don’t get it. Like others have said, the moment ch 4 turned this story from a romance to a tragedy bugged me because everything felt way too nonsensical and out of left field (the “surprise I’m a pimp,” the Haru to Midori development at the end, and maybe even the suicide as well). It was to a degree where the ending ended up lackluster and uninteresting. They were sort of build up to, but not enough for the romance to be overlooked. I felt like I was missing something.

Though I didn’t really like this one and hated Feelings Endure, these do make me appreciate Yukemuri Sanctuary, Sweet Guilty Love Bites, the Wakamatsu ripped tights oneshot, etc a LOT more.

joined Jun 13, 2021


joined Jul 22, 2023

This was a generally entertaining and enjoyable read... though I believe that, were this series any longer, it would have been kind of a bore.

Still, despite the entertainment value, that pimp twist came out of nowhere (and went nowhere, too!). Felt really absurd and out of left field, not gonna lie.

Furthermore, despite the title, the whole thing didn't feel actually philosophically stimulating or original in the slightest to me. Oh well. Into the "Read" folder it goes.

last edited at Dec 13, 2023 11:46AM

joined Dec 3, 2010

Tomo San's place is actually quite comfortable.. and very zen-ish
Just a bed laying on the floor and some books and necessities, that's all
Sorry to comment in the middle of reading but the last chapter seems to tag "tragedy" and I've yet reading it

Hopefully I've come prepared to deal with tragedy

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