Forum › Posts by luvolt

joined Jul 22, 2023

I can recommend you all Sayaka Murata's books-- she mainly deals with gender, in her own way, and has touched on the theme of marriage (e.g. in her debut novel, "Konbini Ningen," which also touches on heteronormativity).

joined Jul 22, 2023
Frostbite discussion 01 Aug 15:36
joined Jul 22, 2023

mass morality (traditional thought)

Hell on Earth

Okay Arcane, I guess we get what point you're trying to make LMAO

joined Jul 22, 2023

"Cheating and divorce are destroying love! Thank goodness I have my categorical imperative artificial love for my master-creator-owner she put into my brains herself, that's where the true thing's at."

Thank you for the wise words, Marie!

last edited at Jul 27, 2024 4:33AM

joined Jul 22, 2023

Rahu, Zoya and...?

joined Jul 22, 2023

there is no “stealing” you can’t steal a bitch that decided to cheat on her boyfriend, that is a parasite deciding to leach on both parties by cheating

Xadar, mate, are you alright?

joined Jul 22, 2023

my headcanon is: poly ending

joined Jul 22, 2023

Underused tag.

It was literally created yesterday...

joined Jul 22, 2023

To ypassionnate's take, which is

Well everything was pointless. All of that for nothing she dies, end of the story. It was too long for what its worth.

I can only answer that no, it wasn't pointless: they were in love, and they got to make their love explicit if only for a moment. That's the point. Everyone dies, that doesn't strip people's actions and feelings of meaning.

last edited at Jan 2, 2024 2:52PM

joined Jul 22, 2023

Page 9 of the latest chapter is missing a word: "What I'd [...]" in the bottom center panel should be "What if I'd [...]"

joined Jul 22, 2023

Many thanks to Gouma for this splendid Christmas gift of a conclusion!

joined Jul 22, 2023

Can image/chapter duplicates of dubious utility/quality be taken down-- or, more accurately, can we request they be taken down?

If the answer is "yes", I'd ask for this to be deleted for the reasons expressed by users in its comments...

joined Jul 22, 2023

Hello, if they haven't been already suggested (and shot down/forgotten) I'd like to put forward a couple of tags we could benefit from:
Aquarium [visit] - aquariums as setting for dates seem to be a rather well-established yuri topos (as TctyaDDK already pointed out a while back);
Kissing practice (or variations thereof) - pretty self-explanatory, pops up from time to time.

last edited at Dec 15, 2023 11:00AM

Philosophia discussion 13 Dec 11:46
joined Jul 22, 2023

This was a generally entertaining and enjoyable read... though I believe that, were this series any longer, it would have been kind of a bore.

Still, despite the entertainment value, that pimp twist came out of nowhere (and went nowhere, too!). Felt really absurd and out of left field, not gonna lie.

Furthermore, despite the title, the whole thing didn't feel actually philosophically stimulating or original in the slightest to me. Oh well. Into the "Read" folder it goes.

last edited at Dec 13, 2023 11:46AM

joined Jul 22, 2023

Lushhhh really seems to have a thing for rare ships...

joined Jul 22, 2023

May the gods bless Zephyr for picking this up again <3

joined Jul 22, 2023