Maybe one day your SetsuKarin heart will be fulfilled, but for now it probably won't happen. Sucks, 'cause imo it's a decent ship unlike some other ones. coughDiaRubycough
Maybe one day your SetsuKarin heart will be fulfilled, but for now it probably won't happen. Sucks, 'cause imo it's a decent ship unlike some other ones. cough DiaRuby cough
I like how this is framed as a standard confession scene would be despite it just being kyouko giving her friggin' rum raisin ice cream (and chitose bleeding in the background). guess it must mean the world to her, huh.
I just instantly love this even more because it has something from G Gundam.
That said it brings forth a thought that I think of every so often: I WANT TO SEE A GUNDAM YURI MANGA. I haven't found the raws for one yet, but maybe someday.
Sakuya: Indeed. And now she's here to f*ck us! So listen up, Tengu. A pornography starring your doggy is going to be the second worst thing to happen to you today.