Forum › My Best Friend's Engagement was Annulled. I Need To Do My Best To Stop It! ...But I Was The Reason Behind It... discussion

joined Aug 16, 2014

It's the manga embodiement of this video:

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Posting something like they did in another language IMMEDIATELY AFTER they posted in English is a transparent attempt to slip something by the mods. It was what they said that was unacceptable, not the fact that they said it in another language.

Quite late, but this point is well taken. Sentiments like "Fuck you author" are best kept to oneself in pretty much all circumstances. Not good.

joined Jan 11, 2019

Darker than kimi kawai

joined May 26, 2016

Good lord yall get full on resetera tier levels of cringe sometimes

joined Jun 20, 2020

Maria might be a demiromantic who values friendship over love. Shion seems to be asexual. Pretending to marry a man who won't do anything to her is a way to protect herself from other men.

joined Oct 18, 2017

i see the trend of some reading way too much into things is still alive and well, orz.

I found it to be cute and adorable which was not what i expected going into this. I think it works because it's a oneshot but if it was a series with this ending, i probably wouldnt read it because the bait feel would be high.

joined Jun 13, 2020

I have no idea how such a bland one-shot got so much of a reaction out of the community here. There's just not enough content in the story to really draw much of any conclusion.

joined Apr 24, 2014

Happy ending... ಠ_ಠ

This was me as well, after reading this... I mean, ok... They're all happy... right?

joined Jan 14, 2020

Cute fluff on re-read.

joined Apr 20, 2022

A really cute one-shot. I can understand why purists might be upset, but its genuinely fine.

joined Sep 11, 2016

Have to comment after re-read, I can say that my mind had change a bit for the last 5 years. This story is kindda cute now, but I just wish that they tried to developed the prince more for this to felt more organic.

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