Why not?
[Insert :yus: emote from the discord server here]
It feels great to see Alina have a shocked expression when reacting to someone else, rather than the other way around, for once.
@elevown Fate definitely is the bottom of bottoms: https://imgur.com/eeMbUYp Every yuri series should have one of these neko to tachi diagrams.
We need more medieval lesbians
Amity with short hair is a blessing
I'm simping
Erika looks miserable, but at least Bern and Lambda are happy.
Awww ...Emma looks so happy.
Awwww seeying this pic really made my day start in a wonderful way~
Maybe Lisa and Jean? Thou for me, Beidou x Ningguang are 100% my favorite
Man, Carol was a good watch !
I missed this couple... i hope we gt a third doujin.
top noel! all is good in the world
The heart is a nice touch.
words cannot convey what my heart just felt every time i read this
I just wanna say i love this so much!! I need more fanart of this so that i can relieve my stress ♥♥
All we need is genshin impact with yuri
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il34epwxhLY
last edited at Nov 7, 2020 12:56PM
Yes i love this ship
Love this ship, more please!
They should invite princess Bubblegum!
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