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There's at least two more lotteries before the end of the year (last year's Christmas and this year's Christmas) so I'm not too concerned about going all out on this one. The main thing from Gilfest after all is the skill gems which I have a decent supply of... although I could use to focus on Caster gems since I have plenty of good casters (Skadi, Merlin, Casgil, Tamamo, and Queen of Sheba) that could use some skill ups.
I hope the next free pick your SR comes soon. I'm thinking about getting either Helena, Nursery Rhyme, Atalanta (or her Alter self), or Salter. Speaking of that Abby also has a rate up on the 15M Downloads (JP I don't know what NA's will be) so if you want her you might want to roll then.
@SuperText | also sent a friend request from in-game name Touka Satomi.
last edited at Sep 9, 2020 10:52PM
LOL theres 2 people on my FL that change their names to hololive girls. Pekora and Subaru.
I hope the next free pick your SR comes soon. I'm thinking about getting either Helena, Nursery Rhyme, Atalanta (or her Alter self), or Salter. Speaking of that Abby also has a rate up on the 15M Downloads (JP I don't know what NA's will be) so if you want her you might want to roll then.
Yeaaah...when? It's either BurgerAlter, Parvati np2, Valks, AmazonPrime, Nyantlater, Tomoe, or maybe ninja mum.
And speaking of limited girls, I think I should roll for cute potato Ereshkigal, she does not have many rate ups...aaahhhh this is why people whale lmao
I guess you don't have access to Abigail then? With two Abigails (and Mash) in my party that boss fight was trivial in difficulty.
That's not the point. I'm doing solos for fun and I'm doing them with Umu, because she's my favorite servant and she's good at soloing. Being able to pull it off with her is the cool part. It's not about just winning. And honestly doing those solos and making videos out of them is pretty much one of last few things I even enjoy about playing FGO anymore. And yes, I do not have Abby.
Digging the Musashi solo gimmick so far.
Oh sweet summer child. It probably is too late, but just wait till you get to duels and start cursing game forcing you to use her xP
Does it even matter? It's just a rerun and I'll exchange them for QP anyway.
Only if you actually need arts/quick buff to be able to 3T reliably (which I needed).
PS I really like using your Archer Helena and Nevri's Ann Mary Archer especially while farming the gold nodes.
You're welcome!
About Castoria, SQs and costumes. I don't even have energy to rant about how much garbage and shit DW as company is and FGO as a mobile game...
Honestly rn I'm kinda burned with FGO, because I realize I pretty much have every servant I'd ever want to have and there's no reason for me to ever roll again and I'm kinda getting bored of stories and events as well. And that's ignoring how trash the game is and how much I hate gacha games, especially considering that once they stop updating content, you can't even really keep on playing it and once they decide to put servers down or decided to finish the game, all that time and money you spend on it just disappears into ether. Man I just hate capitalism so fucking much. We can thank it for allowing for this toxic gacha system to exist and become a norm.
Because i wanted to roll for summer 3 or rerun already and DW was starving me i rolled 1 10 roll on Bryn banner and dropped Valkyries there. Feeling tempted I made second 10 roll hoping for NP2 or Bryn and got... Sumanai ;v Made another 10 roll and got nothing so stopped there. Dropped 9 4 star CEs and only 1 was rate up. I love this game. At least with 3rd 10-roll i got first copy of origin bullet, so it wasn't totally wasted.
So I rolled for Skadi and as you probably saw, I got her with 21 tickets which was perfect for me, cos more SQ for summer 3 and rerun. I rolled for np3 Umu. Had overall great rolls, but of course no Umu. Meanwhile other people easily get NP3-4. I hate this game. I rolled on Fran banner, hoped for np3, got 3 copies and maxed her with like 25 tickets and 1 10 roll. Then rolled 6 10 rolls on Nito banner, got 1 copy.
I picked Extra banner on anniversary. I was considering Caster or Lancer. Caster mostly for merlin and Lancer cos pretty much anyone I'd drop would be np2 i'd like or a new servant. But ended up decided for Extra, because chance i'd get specifically merlin were low and getting a dupe/someone i dont care about would be annoying and with lancers i didn't really need to roll them ,especially with Ibalancer on the horizon. And sure there were a lot of extra i didn't want, but also some i'd want and especially getting Abby would put me ahead with rolls, cos i'd not need to roll for her and after Gilfest there is (was?) many banners i want(ed) to roll. So i got Jalter, which i'm happing with cos i do like her and she's still best ST avenger. Also i picked Extra cos that's best way to get Saliery and i wasn't mistaken. Got 3 copies of him, so pretty much what I hoped for. Also another copy of best doge.
Outside of that 1 time when I got NP3 Iskandar with around 300 quartz, my summer 3 rolls were the best ones I ever had since I started playing. Rolled 330 quartz on day one. Got 2 copies of Iba and got spooked by Yan (didn't got him yet) in my second 10 roll. All of them were silver-turn-gold cards. Got Jeanne in my third 10 roll and was spooked by Sumanai as well. Rolled more for Ushi, got spooked by Artemis, dropped another copy of Iba and only finally rolled Ushi next to last 10 roll. Rolled next day on Ushi solo banner for np2, but mostly to get 1 more copy of 5 star CE and 4 Star CE to be able to LB it (yes, I dropped like 40 CEs and only 4 were event ones, obviously). Managed to drop 5 star CE with my first 10 roll. Got np2 Ushi with second and got 4 star CE with last. So in the end got all I planned to get with just 410 SQ. NP2 Jeanne would be nice, ngl, but I went into banner not expecting to drop her, especially since she wasn't my highest priority and it usually take me over 700 quartz to drop even 1 copy of 5 star... Overall the best value I ever rolled for the amount of quartz spend.
I wanted to get just np1 Medb, cos I like her as a character, but I only had 90 quartz left. I like BB and would want her, but I planned to roll for her on new years anyway, cos i want CE from it, so getting her now wasn't important. And she's not that good anyway outside of 1 gimmick skill. I didn't really want or like MHXX, but i couldn't wait for Medb solo banner so i rolled anyway. First one was min roll and dropped MHXX with second 10 roll. Welp i do really like her animations in first ascension (she's mecha and what Babage should have been) and her NP is clear homage to TTGL, and i didn't have any foreign so if I wont get Abby or Hokusai she'll definitely come in handy. So waited to roll last 10 roll on Medb solo rate up. Of course didn't get her. Spammed single rolls from quartz i'd get over the course of event, but didn't get lucky. After event was over I realized i don't really need to roll ever so whatever.
...I'm just gonna leave this here: 044,226,425
I send you friend request.
last edited at Sep 10, 2020 2:02PM
Neat. I don't come empty-handed either, as Siegfried, Tamamo Cat and Andersen are already fully ascended (even if they need some embers).
Saber Diarmuid should follow suit as soon as I collect those annoying materials.
last edited at Sep 10, 2020 2:19PM
@Rye I'm assuming the downloads campaign will be in the next few months given JP's schedule. The last one the 11M Downloads campaign was effectively JP's 14M Download. JP's 15M download was around November of 2018 so I'm expecting late October or early November on the NA server.
@Nev: gotcha. Leave it there for the time I actually start using discord. probably soon? Edit: I wrote it down
Nice rant btw.
I don't even have energy to rant about how much garbage and shit DW as company is and FGO as a mobile game...
Haha! I think we've all done that at some point. We shit on Yostar and China 50% of the time in the AL chat. It's sad how normalized this type of design is: powercreep older units so we can sell you more shit. Garbage rates so we can sell you more shit.
@Sakura: it's also possible that we may not get another ticket this year because of the Babylonia ticket came 2 years too early.
last edited at Sep 11, 2020 10:40AM
I'm assuming we'll get the pick your own non-limited SR this year with the 12M downloads campaign (15M JP) although we'll just have to wait and see. Also since we got the Babylonia banner earlier than we were supposed to many of the options that JP got weren't available.
Ninomae Ina'nis as a servant seems to be a joke made up by posters on Reddit and Gamefaqs and not a real potential servant given Nasu is against crossovers from non-Fate/Type Moon works.
Crossovers with non type moon? LOL never. Ina herself was drawn by Abby/Hokusai's artists, that's why she looks like Oui and it's not just reddit:
Sorry if I was unclear I meant collaboration events not images or fanfics. You're not likely to see an in-game event that is a crossover with Arknights, Madoka, or <insert other game/anime/manga/etc>. Nasu probably doesn't care too much what fans do with the franchise.
Nah, I just didn't read the sentence properly because I tend to read too fast.
Also, they are not letting us take a break? I missed a full day yesterday and now the event is here but I wasn't able to max out the 3t teams UUUUGGGGGHHHH!
Well...I guess its ok since the serious farming is on phase 3: useful mats drops and I'll probably have enough mats for Sieg/Skadi by that point.
Got a Nero CE drops on my 1st run lmao. Sadly wasted my tickets on garbage because I wanted Gil CE.
I don't like Sieg that much so I haven't spent any XP cards on him. Am working on clearing the free quests for the golden apples right now.
Cardboard-kun is fine in fgo. He'll be super helpful for tomorrow's rotation. I wasn't able to max his skills but I got options, like Nitocris and such. Wish my CasNero was NP2.
I had to open some boxes since I'll be using Jeanne for the finals. Almost done, I'll swap Gil for her later with the Nero CE.
Sorry guys, but I'm quitting. On top of all the things we always bitch about (especially gacha), I just don't feel like playing anymore. Lack of auto function and event grinding is annoying enough, but I simply don't really enjoy the gameplay anymore, there's barely any strategy and a lot of rng, CQ are just bosses with more broken gimmicks, If I want I can read stories online and I get most of characters dynamics from fanart anyway. Knowing what new servants etc. comes in the future seems like good thing and can hype you, but also remove any surprises and if you know for next year or so there'll be nothing you're interested in it also can be very discouraging. And even when they add something new, you need to play with knowladge you won't get it for next 2 years. On top of that it makes you realize you need to spend 2 more years playing this game to even get to cool stuff and just how much time you spend on it already. And lastly, maybe if people were actually watching my videos, I'd have more motivation to keep going, but barely anyone watches them, and even if I get more than like 10 views, nobody ever comments on videos. If maybe they were more popular and there were some discussion over there about strategies and what not, I'd be more inclined to stay. I'm pretty sure youtube doesn't recommend them to anyone, because I have no subscribers, so not initial views and they're not monetized anyway and all youtube cares about is length of video and ads.
Fair enough :(
Just remember to back up your account just in case and not lose your progress/investment.
Sorry, I didn't comment on your vids because I would just post here instead.
I'm glad you're still having fun in AK, though.
Rye I'm not going to spend too many apples on until the third wave since that one has a node that can drop auroua steels which my Skadi and MHXX need.
Edit: Wave 2 Arena also has a node that drops stakes as well.
last edited at Sep 17, 2020 4:06PM
Fair enough :(
I forgot to mention (ignoring CC) FGO is also just way more time consuming compare to AK, so it was always a time sink I just no longer feel like I can justify to myself.
Just remember to back up your account just in case and not lose your progress/investment.
Yea, though I highly doubt it.
Sorry, I didn't comment on your vids because I would just post here instead.
Nah. I meant comments from random people on YT, though not like people commented here as well. I might get more views if I had actively promoted it on reddit etc; but not like I cared about views or wanted to grow my channel. I was doing it for fun and as a hobby in the first place, so I just wanted to leave the channel grow to natural process, but I should have predicted YT is no longer place to post videos for fun. It become a normal job and only promotes videos that can earn YT money.
I'm glad you're still having fun in AK, though.
Yea. I always liked logical games, so I'm treating maps like puzzles to solve, so I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far.
Rye I'm not going to spend too many apples on until the third wave since that one has a node that can drop auroua steels which my Skadi and MHXX need.
Yeah, same. I'm still brainded looping with 2xSkadi Lancelot+Waver because I don't have the optimal options.
Edit: Wave 2 Arena also has a node that drops stakes as well.
Already on it. I need a shit ton in case Reines drops.
I forgot to mention (ignoring CC) FGO is also just way more time consuming compare to AK, so it was always a time sink I just no longer feel like I can justify to myself.
It is if you want to keep everyone at high skill levels. Personally, I've been super casual with FGO for like a year now, all that grinding just makes me not want to play. not to mention the shit gacha 95% of the time
The only reason I farmed hard was for love(Eresh) and now because I got Skadi and it's close enough to auto farming nodes. I mean, I don't even have to facecard nost of the time!
I don't see myself quitting anytime soon out of love for my 2d pixels but I'll probably play way less soon because I'll be too busy.
Am right now on box 26. Have managed to max out Martha Ruler, MHXX (Level 90), Izō, Emiya, Circe, and Spartacus. Have finally got Ishtar (Rider) to 10/10/10, Okita Alter to 7/7/7, Suzuka Gozen to 6/6/6, MHXX to 10/5/5. Am working on Medb (Saber) right now. After her I might do Iri, Boudica, and Shakespeare.
Box 54, not too bad considering my hibernation.
I detoured to farm junk food to clear shop. Will probably push myself at least enough to max out Skadi. Be sure to farm Shuten mats if you can, her mats are a pain in the rear. Saber Medb needs steels with that.
2 round did Sieg team but swapped to Nitocris to press less buttons. Using Para-Jeanne-Waverx2 for round 3. I don't know if I'm gonna bother with the CQs tbh, I'd rather farm boxes if I'm on FGO.
Mecha Eli's event is coming soon so don't forget to save some apples for her. I'm getting Mk2 this year since I got the original Mecha Eli last year.
I still have 500+ golden apples, I think I have enough. I really wanted to drop that number to around 400 but I've been doing nothing but sleep all day for the past 5? 6? Days?
I got OG Mecha Eli so I'll be getting mk.2 this time.
Doing event grind while having to clear LB2, gotta say not a fan. I'm so glad I can skip the filler story fights with double Skadi. I'm even less motivated since there's events on every other game at the same time. I wouldn't feel so burned out if this wasn't right after box farming and life fucking me again.
^No kidding. I was halfway through London when I found out about Oniland's requirements. Now I'm in Camelot where every other fight is a boss encounter. I can read the story later, but it sure feels more like a chore than anything like this.
Holy shit, there’s an FGO forum on Dynasty Reader??? That’s sick.
Rye congratulations on getting Sitonai. I didn't get her but I did get NP2 Paraiso and Chiron. Also a bunch of CEs.