Forum › Lovely Mental Illness Distortion discussion

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Bahahahha, you win this round, Gendo!

I don't know, I'm going to be laughing at "sullying the name of communism by conflating it with your filthy adultery." for years to come.

Ohhhh, the response was deleted. Well, funnily enough I've seen people argue for just what you were saying under the pretense that the best sex they ever had was under the iron curtain in Eastern Europe. You can rest well, you have history on your side

They even won Metal Album of the Year for such claims. Still, that the modern person cannot believe the idea of sex workers rising up to take collective control of the sex factories and retooling them to fight revolution against their bosses is endemic of the modern left due to their refusal to read theory.

last edited at Jun 19, 2020 1:40AM

joined Jul 22, 2018

tadam happy end

joined Jun 13, 2020

"She always works late, we are safe lol"

Yeah, no. I don't need a chapter 2 to know how this will end sooner or later.

Pretty much.

joined Mar 1, 2020

I think the mental illness part of the title is coming from the room with "Mihiro" on the door. Also, the two people supposedly involved in this affair seem like the same person. You can't even really get a full glimpse of both their faces. But in the last scene they both appear in, it looks like two versions of the same person.
I'm not really even sure this is cheating. It just looks like she's being manipulative.

last edited at Jun 26, 2020 3:35AM

joined Jan 31, 2020

She's so bitch =))

joined Aug 18, 2020

Did not see that coming. I kind of wish no one had cheated.

joined Aug 19, 2018

I honestly missed the Cheating tag. I mean, I probably still would have reddit, but the cheating came as a surprise. If there were a sequel, I hope that another girl comes into Masaki-chan's life, makes Masaki fall in love with her, and decide to break it off with Mihiro without finding out about the cheating so that it's more impactful. After she breaks up, THEN Mihiro could admit to cheating just to try to make Masaki feel bad
Edit: I honestly have no idea what I was trying to say with this, and it's only been a few months

last edited at Jun 30, 2021 9:34AM

joined Aug 18, 2015

Can't say I know what mental illness was meant to be shown here. Maybe it's Scary Bad Person Syndrome? That well-known condition that people have been depicting for ages to profit on the ignorance of the masses? The one where people with mental illnesses are terrifying boogeymen? You know the one.

I'm sure the author didn't intend to suggest people like me are more likely to be unfaithful, but the implication was there. And that implication is everywhere.

It has become so deeply ingrained into the zeitgeist that every single time there's a tragedy like a mass shooting (why yes, I am American, how could you tell?) we're scapegoated to avoid dealing with the actual problems. With politicians saying we can solve the problem if we take better care of the mentally ill! And then promptly sweeping that idea under the rug and ignoring us til the next tragedy they drag us out for.

Sorry for getting rant-y. But it's something I'm so very, very weary of. I've legit seen people thinking bipolar disorder (what I have) is something that makes people wild and dangerous, rather than a very painful mood disorder I've been saddled with for my entire life. (Nobody on Dynasty, thankfully. But it's out there elsewhere, and all-too-common.)

edit: OK I just looked at the other works in this anthology and none of these have anything to do with the mentally ill beyond the notion of "they don't act like regular humans". Is this a difference in usage of terms between Japan and the west? Because these people aren't "mentally ill", they're "horror-movie insane".

last edited at Feb 27, 2021 12:27AM

joined Mar 31, 2018

that bitch

last edited at May 25, 2021 7:40AM

that bitch

That got d*mn whore.

joined Jan 18, 2016

how to unread something pls

joined Dec 16, 2014

Mental illness indeed. Bitch

joined Oct 6, 2014

"Yandere is not a mental illness" lol how could you even think it's not.

And it was pretty clear to me what the mental illness here was. Girl's a sociopath. Maybe a bit of a narcissist as well.

joined Feb 14, 2016

"Yandere is not a mental illness" lol how could you even think it's not.

How do you diagnose someone with yandere. What's the criteria

last edited at Nov 26, 2024 1:45PM

joined Mar 9, 2024

OMFG... This is ill-natured. The one who's cheating is the one who's manipulating her girlfriend by baselessly accusing her gf of cheating.

last edited at Dec 15, 2024 2:33AM

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