Great Art once again !
Washi Washi
God-tier reversal. Also I like how Azazel is grabbing Modeus' wrist on the last panel.
Also the file name for this is "angelsneedjesus.png" lol
last edited at Aug 18, 2020 12:12AM
Some twins bonding
What is this adorable creature?
Even demons have standard. If heaven is already advocating " handholding before banging", then no wonder the world is fked up =)))))
last edited at Aug 17, 2020 9:41PM
very pretty
Claudine teasing Maya is something I need more of in my life.
wow, sports
This will not end well.
By the way, on the source link there's an (untranslated) comic featuring Byleth teaching Edelgard to swim, with Rhea getting jealous and Edelgard beign smug. Also Yuri is there too.
I was kidding. It is what it is tho.
Everyone say: THANK YOU DANA!
^ Ikr ^_^
Now kiss
It’s beautiful
Muchas gracias Dana
Poor Modeus, how could Azazel ask her to do something that lewd
I love the detail of the fur on their cheeks.
Put a smile on my face.
Official artist support is the best.
Absolutely stunning.
Poor Eli was expecting a kiss
I love seeing byleth with her other potential wives. I love eldegard but the others need love from her too.
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