^ do not bring up that disgusting lewdness here in this entirely pure image. and if you do, at least CENSOR h*ndholding!! smh
She ain't taking no for an answer
Well, if no one at the flea market wanted it, she's gonna keep it, damn it. Do you know how much that thing costs?
Ah, Yuzumori-san.
last edited at Jun 26, 2020 8:31PM
This seems to be a meme. Where'd it start?
last edited at Jun 26, 2020 8:32PM
Yass! More Kanamari! Keep it coming~
Damn it Marianne Why the hell are you so cute!?
@Random Wanderer From this man
Hilda just had a revelation at that very moment. She's gay af for Marianne
Ah yes. The strict one and the lolicon one
This meme just keeps on giving
Obligatory Catradora post <3
This is the very definition of “Art”
I believe this may be the card they are referencing, correct me if I'm wrong
Also, good to see that Yuu has good taste
last edited at Jun 26, 2020 9:01PM
She said please Sally, what else do you want?
"Which do you want? The parfait? Or me?"
Reminds of when I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark with my mom when I was young, and she got creeped out by the melting face scene, while I thought it was cool
last edited at Jun 26, 2020 9:03PM
The text says "Mother's Day".
It's a bit similar to the Strawberry Panic kiss
But mothers day was 47 days ago. Anyways, happy family.
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