^I think the author dropped it as it hasn't been updated since 2015
I can only imagine why they're fighting when their lower body is naked.
Apparently some people eat scrambled eggs w/ shimeji mushrooms, but I haven’t seen anything more complex than that
Heated argument about who’s topping who.
^I know no such recipe, but neither is known to be toxic by themselves or in combination with most other foods, so it might be safe to just throw them onto a pan for a stir fry.
kneel before the Gross Goddess
truly a classic image
I want to genderbend the helltaker, it should be a dlc/mod
last edited at Jun 12, 2020 9:05PM
Skadi’s eating penguin tonight
15 years already?
lol these words from https://youtu.be/naLaZijShMw?t=120
Got a Futaribeya vibe from those two.
I'm not even sorry for that
Nothing beat a cheerful Kasumi.
"Me. My girlfriend, and her 5000 rupie six foot tall Vyrn plushie."
This meme is fresh
I wonder if LL is going to be one of those timeless things we just get to see forever
Digital and analog girls
I'm not cryin', you're cryin'
Love 4 ever
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