This pic is almost 6 years old, talk about a blast from the past.
Mission failed. We'll go next time.
Whoa this one is unexpected here
Mifuyu: Come Eroha, come and feel Yacchan's lips through my lips
The story that got Dear my Teacher sidetracked, yeah thanks we hate it :(
So soft
What the hell
^I think it at least should have cannon yuri spin offset in an alternate reality just for fun
^ personally I enjoy this one a little more
i miss having a girlfriend
ah I knew I recognize the artwork from somewhere. waiting for the next chapter
a rare top Edelgard
as long as its not the +18 books
knowing moca, yes it's possible to eat an entire bread while going for kiss
last edited at May 11, 2020 10:29PM
^ I remember that, but I'm still completely lost as to what this is supposed to be. Is this a parody of something else?
^ I agree
I got a big deja vu with this one
If that ain't the cutest
One does not simply "calm down" when offered a taste of perfection. There is deliciousness there that does not sleep. And the great oppai is ever a mouthful.
^ Ain´t that a smug face?
This feels so out of character for both Nemo and Azuka imho... BUT I still like how she slapped Nemo hahaha .-.
Smaller girl is 2/3 the height of the taller girl; so, if small girl isn't puny, tall girl is at least 2 meters.
I laughed hard with this
"Your glasses are in the way of the gay" wouldn't fit in the bubble.
@Norain - She's still roughly 65% of the taller girl's height. Tall girl is at least 2 meters tall, likely considerably more.
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