Alina has Mifuyu for the physical and Karin for the emotinal. Lucky Psychopath
does this deserve the muscles tag?
We are continuously blessed by the gifts the most holy of prophets gives us. Blessed be Kougi. Blessed by ChikaRiko!
Funny how in the western fandom Mizusaki is pretty popular while in the eastern she is kinda left out
Cute but its hard to tell if its Reimu
thought it was arisa from bang dream at first glance
sometimes i wonder the only reason to make them related was to have a cop out in order to not make a yuri romance at least for ghibli
spoiler warning
Gyari is a legend
it's not freddy krueger it's DOREMY KRUEGER
We just hit the event with the sexbomb sleepover Kanan UR in the world edition — and lord, it's even better in context.
(To spoil slightly: in the moment where the shot on the card happens in the event story, KanaMari are being flirty in Hanayo's bedroom.)
Imagine them doing it in game and Maple accidentally activates Atrocity during climax
Ooooooh nice
Bless tMnR's Eli x Umi
:o oof
Yuri definitely agrees with Tomoko at the end
Why do people find getting their head crushed sexy? Unless you are all masochists, in which case I get it.
This is some OG Goku stuff. They are both monkeys anyway.
@shadesan Lol, my thoughts exactly.
Really nice
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