...poorly written characters? Gold digger? Did we play a different game, or are y’all just salty? Three Houses makes it pretty clear that women aren’t in the best place in Fodlan society, and Dorothea grew up dangerously poor, got into the opera house for her beauty and singing voice, and like anybody who’s been that poor, is trying her damn hardest to never end up back there again. Her approach to that through trying to marry rich is a perfectly understandable tactic for a woman in semi-medieval times without any family, and her character arc is that she realizes that she has the family she needs with her when the war phase begins, and from that point on her relationship interests are to satisfy her other needs—namely, that she’s a romantic at heart. Some of her marriage supports with the men are really good, and I don’t know what the hell people are talking about saying it goes back on her character. She always wanted to get married to someone she loved, and boom, she’s doing that.
It’s a good game. A little easy, but good.