Riding is way too exerting for poor Kasumi. Knowing these two, Sakurako will be doing the riding. Which means they won't get any further than the bed. But they'd both be fine with that.
and plus, ChikaDia isn't even that uncommon.
You should be saying that on ship stuff like KananRiko, RikoRuby, RikoMaru... RikoDia...
basically most Riko ships outside of her own sub unit and the other two second years...
Or things like KananSarah.
You know, the stuff which has, basically nothing to go off of
I named my playable character Riri (after Riko of Live Live) and of course that name can also be read as "lily"
Amused the hell out of me when I played the event
This reminds me of this one comic I read years ago. It was weird but had a scene where Trixie declares her love for Veronica to the world and Dinkleberg is the only one around to hear it. Never thought I'd ever see anything beyond that comic for this pairing.