If hanigare ever gets past the arc it’s in now and becomes a romance that would for sure be the top yuri.
Honestly, not even counting the whole "it's not a yuri" tweet, I think Nettaigyo totally killed its momentum with the recent chapters. I don't think I've ever read a less enjoyable angst fest.
I dissagree witht the "less enjoyable angst fest" and honestly I still consider it one of my favorite current mangas, but I do have to agree that the really good momentum it had going on in the early chapters got lost thanks to the structure of the last chapters (many chapters with only one of the two main characters and lack of interactions) as well as the handful of breaks it took.
That being said I still enjoy it a lot, and hope it gets an anime at ome point~ will try to get the Viz release when possible as well.
Edit: I just remember but didn't Hanigare made it to third place in a Yuri poll just behind Yagate and Citrus? Dang I wonder if it could still get that high of a place nowadays.
last edited at Dec 2, 2019 2:24PM