Hopefully everything will end nicely tonight with the the last epîsode. No major death of anyone, nobody hadto sacrifice for anything and Hibiki/Miku live happily together forever after.
^^^Its more the being fan of alt Imperial Germany with its militarism with the main character able to do a lot of things in the system.
^I'm not talking about alt Germans being Nazi since they don't exist, its more idolising Prussian militarism that one can easily see in the makeup of Empire though the militarism can still be seen deeper inside the Nazi system anyway.
Out of the µ's girls, I'd expect Umi to be physically strongest due to her martial arts, and Hanayo next due to taking care of the alpacas. Carrying hay and water and suchlike. Rin would have a lot more energy and endurance than either of them. Eli would probably be pretty strong and have good endurance too, come to think of it.
I loved this series, watched it at least 3 times now, can't say I've had a chance to read it yet though.
Even though he reincarnated as a girl, I don't think they bring it up at all for most of the show. If you didn't know his backstory and didn't see the occasional flashback I'd dare say you'd never even know. They don't do any of the usual genderswap gags or plot lines you'd usually see. Almost as it is just matter of fact that he was reborn as a girl and there's nothing unusual or different about it.
i wouldn't say that you shouldn't skip the beginning of the manga just because you could lose some 'yuriness' subtex in, but because you could lose the character development of Kuroki, which I honestly think is the main attractive element of the series... which also kinda fits in the yuri subtext but whatever.
In that movie, the credits were rolling when Madoka and Homura were being cuties rubbing the cheeks together and the word "Luminous" popped up in the credits.