One of my favorite yuri one shots. ^^ Humorous, lighthearted and shows that that special someone will love you for who you are.
Haha yep! In a way it reminds me of Sugar Complex by Aoki Mitsue, but this one really cracked me up with the donut bikini. Ah. So cute.
You've opened my eyes! Today have just reread that and thought to myself why it felt kinda odd
I am really happy I got to read this again:3 <---- =))) died.
last edited at Jul 6, 2013 7:34PM
"Do my boobs mean so much for you?! :O" "Yup :3" "D:" Her face would be epic XD
last edited at Oct 30, 2013 6:10PM
Can't believe it took me so long to get around to read this one.
ViiFit xD LOLOLOL hahahahha oh sweet read ~ I approve of the sudden dark skin
I was thinking "And suddenly, Chocolate people" I'm sorry, that must sound incredibly racist XD
The scene where the color suddenly turned dark is so incredibly hot.
Shoving donuts into her face tho lmao This was sweet :') (totally going on an Amano Shuninta rereading rampage here)
all I can think of is 'UMI-DAH~-DAH~DAH~'
This is so great xD
Also, I almost thought I hadn't already read this story
last edited at Mar 16, 2019 3:08AM
Super wholesome stuff, short but sweet.
that was kinda funny and cute
They’re not really chubby Idk the chubby tag doesn’t fit here imo
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