^Well that is probably because f*ck Gudako. More Hakunon is always best! Wedding Nero from CCC was definetely a top design too.
Do you know what sunflowers mean in the language of flowers?
last edited at Jul 27, 2019 1:31PM
They are cuddling after an exhausting day of.... swimming practice!
So now girls can't be scrawny anymore? Men are taking all the traits.
Hehe, Yuu is just like a cat.
This seems like typical Mordred wear.
last edited at Jul 27, 2019 2:51PM
Mode Red engaged!
Oh yeah, their proportion are a little wack. Don't tell me that's a lifefiber strap-on...
Looks like a day in Venice.
Fubuki's dream is now reality! Three cheers!
Sooo funny
@BugDevil What if she started undressing, but Kotori wanted her to keep them on
That was a perfect delivery damn.
Someone bothered to draw her tattoo, huh?
She will give her a mysterious wriggle... kill me now
Don't drop the sake or you get dropped off the tree.
^^ Out with a Bang
^ It's also a parody of Aladdin
For some reason I keep seeing them as Adachi and Shima instead. :D
kawaii kawaii
kiss pls
yeh kawaii
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