@Vankomycin Japan likes their u's, despite barely pronouncing them
Now I want a huge blue whale pillow. Damn you, stealth marketing!
I actually can't imagine how they will face her from now on tbh
That outfit of tomoe's is a godsent
This is so cute. I need more Nintendo pairings.
God damn..
Not the pairing I'd go for, but still cute.
Omg yes yes
I agree!
I forgot she often has a big bow on her back
Well done asuka. I approve of this method.
^Chorimokki-sensei have been dropping some ErikaxNatsume fanart recently, and even a doujin (that may or may not be translated some day). And one of them with Blue.
^They will probably gonna fuck in front of sayaka whenever they have the chance
Viva la revolucion sudaca
I need this to be a manga. About 200 chapters, minimum
my ship
oh my, i havent seen yuri of WT before. this is quite the blessing.
^There's other two pictures that got uploaded to Dynasty, and this pairing is quite popular especially on the Japanese side.
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