Forum › Big Sister's Mark discussion

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

The contemplative/disinterested look on Satori's face throughout is really just the best. Yet, it's actually a really heartfelt story. Really cute, everyone should read it.

Really, really, really have a large vocabulary, don't I?

joined May 30, 2013

The great thing about yuri is you never know if people are sisters or "sisters".

joined Apr 28, 2014

But... but what about the bird?

joined Jun 4, 2015

An interesting take on Koishi's third eye. I've always read it as she herself closed herself off from the constant pressure of everyone having such hatred of her ability. In some cases tearing it off her actual body. Not born with it closed, forced open then sealing her powers herself.
When satori forced it open I felt really bad for her.

Also I had for some reason thought that the egg was going to be Okuu being born. but then you see her and Orin later

joined Feb 28, 2015

Thanks to DB Scans for their work, are there more DYNAMO works translated? My favorite Touhou author

ADT555 Uploader
DB Scans
joined Jun 26, 2017

Thanks to DB Scans for their work, are there more DYNAMO works translated? My favorite Touhou author

You're welcome. We have one more done that is not yet here. Tigers and Cats

As far as I know that is it, every Dynamo work with available raws has been translated either by us or Gaku. If more become available we'll certainly do them.

last edited at Feb 8, 2019 6:34PM

Nekona Shirofumi
joined Mar 30, 2021

koishi is the queen of hide and seek

joined May 15, 2024

But... but what about the bird?

Birds? We ate those.

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