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joined Jun 11, 2016

You should try being more considerate and empathetic of others instead of talking down to them like that. She's had major problems with anxiety throughout her life, she's not in a very good state and she was basically ignored by people that she made an effort to make friends with. She decided to vent about in thread made for people that have things to get off their chest and you just told her that it's not a big deal.

Like seriously when people vent about things the last thing they ever want to hear is some sarcastic guy telling them that they're getting angry about nothing. Even in the cases where it is true it's still rude.

joined Feb 27, 2018

Hiya, kinda new to this platform. I was wondering if there’s any discord’s servers I could join, please hit me up with info! ^^

joined Jun 11, 2016
joined Aug 26, 2018

You should try being more considerate and empathetic of others instead of talking down to them like that. She's had major problems with anxiety throughout her life, she's not in a very good state and she was basically ignored by people that she made an effort to make friends with. She decided to vent about in thread made for people that have things to get off their chest and you just told her that it's not a big deal.

Like seriously when people vent about things the last thing they ever want to hear is some sarcastic guy telling them that they're getting angry about nothing. Even in the cases where it is true it's still rude.

And I am supposed to have known any of this how exactly? Is it so wrong to assume that people I talk to are mentally stable?
This thread isn't made for venting in the first place, but I guess that's fine. If she just wanted to vent, then my replies shouldn't have mattered either though. Most of the time when a friend or aquaintance rants, engaging in conversation with them at all helps. A reality check can also set things in perspective. If it isn't a big deal that should be encouraging to most people. Realizing that you worry too much or are focusing on the wrong things is usually helpful.

I can't tell the fragility of a person's psyche from two posts. If a jovial tone and joking are counter-productive, nothing I could have said would have helped anyway. If engagement is so bad, I'll let people talk to themselves from now on.
I hope that helps.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Guess who's back after 5 days of self-punishment!
Note: the self-punishment was basically me prohibiting myself from making any posts on Dynasty Reader as retribution for going way too far with spamming. I basically just resorted to either not enter Dynasty Reader at all or merely lurking around, depending on my mood.
Before you say anything: Yes, I have some issues with myself, including self-worth issues. Yes, I can sometimes get masochistic for the stupidest reasons. No, I didn't just sit around anything and/or doing school-related work all the time, as I found other stuff to fill in the time (for example: Famana, the CBR, memes).

last edited at Dec 7, 2018 1:47PM

joined Dec 7, 2018

And let me tell you: You know that you're a fan of history, if you're still getting frustrated over what happened to the Great Library of Alexandria.

yeah! its frustrating..... what could have happened in science, tecnology, politically... ohhh man.....

joined Oct 22, 2018

And let me tell you: You know that you're a fan of history, if you're still getting frustrated over what happened to the Great Library of Alexandria.

yeah! its frustrating..... what could have happened in science, tecnology, politically... ohhh man.....

I know, right? And it was kinda destroyed part by part. When Julius Caesar burned the Alexandrian harbour to get rid of the Egyptian navy, the fire spread to the library, burning a part of it, but, luckily, it was relatively minor damage and it continued working. Unfortunately, Christianity came to town in the 3rd or 4th century, and the library had many of the knowledge in it confiscated, hidden away, or burned. What scrolls remained were eventually taken by the Arabs when they took the city in the 7th century, but not before (you guessed it) some of these remain scrolls were burned or have seemply been lost.
People say that the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria has slowed down human development by a millenium. I call it that, IF the fire Caesar caused didn't spread out of the harbor, and IF the early Christians weren't overly zealous, and IF the Rashiduns were more careful during their conquest of Egypt, mid-to-late 12th century people would have the same technology as we do today.

last edited at Dec 9, 2018 9:30AM

joined Dec 7, 2018

And let me tell you: You know that you're a fan of history, if you're still getting frustrated over what happened to the Great Library of Alexandria.

yeah! its frustrating..... what could have happened in science, tecnology, politically... ohhh man.....

I know, right? And it was kinda destroyed part by part. When Julius Caesar burned the Alexandrian harbour to get rid of the Egyptian navy, the fire spread to the library, burning a part of it, but, luckily, it was relatively minor damage and it continued working. Unfortunately, Christianity came to town in the 3rd or 4th century, and the library had many of the knowledge in it confiscated, hidden away, or burned. What scrolls remained were eventually taken by the Arabs when they took the city in the 7th century, but not before (you guessed it) some of these remain scrolls were burned or have seemply been lost.
People say that the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria has slowed down human development by a millenium. I call it that, IF the fire Caesar caused didn't spread out of the harbor, and IF the early Christians weren't overly zealous, and IF the Rashiduns were more careful during their conquest of Egypt, mid-to-late 12th century people would have the same technology as we do today.

so many loss... now this is more depressing...

joined Oct 22, 2018

Several months ago, I found this map of the different racial groups and races:
However, more recently, when I went to see the map again, this time country by country, I was a bit surprised when I saw how Cuba looked like. I decided to copy a certain line from a certain ongoing manga, and change it up to be suitable for the situation, and said, quote: "Cuba... is whiter than I thought...".

joined Dec 7, 2018

Several months ago, I found this map of the different racial groups and races:
However, more recently, when I went to see the map again, this time country by country, I was a bit surprised when I saw how Cuba looked like. I decided to copy a certain line from a certain ongoing manga, and change it up to be suitable for the situation, and said, quote: "Cuba... is whiter than I thought...".

Its because most of them are descendants of spanish inmigrants.... but If I had to choose they are multicultural... or latin as the rest of Latin America, its a mix, in some places its more white such as Argentina or Chile.. in other more native american (its hard to find, but Guatemala some places of Mexico), in other places have more of the african blood like in the caribean islands, but in the end... its a mix. T
one of the most famous cuban, Celia Cruz and his husband are a mix

joined Oct 22, 2018

Several months ago, I found this map of the different racial groups and races:
However, more recently, when I went to see the map again, this time country by country, I was a bit surprised when I saw how Cuba looked like. I decided to copy a certain line from a certain ongoing manga, and change it up to be suitable for the situation, and said, quote: "Cuba... is whiter than I thought...".

Its because most of them are descendants of spanish inmigrants.... but If I had to choose they are multicultural... or latin as the rest of Latin America, its a mix, in some places its more white such as Argentina or Chile.. in other more native american (its hard to find, but Guatemala some places of Mexico), in other places have more of the african blood like in the caribean islands, but in the end... its a mix. T
one of the most famous cuban, Celia Cruz and his husband are a mix

Yes, all of that is true, and it's even showed on Masaman's map, but, nevertheless, I still thought Cuba would be much more mixed-raced than white.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Here you go:

I can't seem to join.

joined Dec 7, 2018

what a good way to start the day with... overdose of cafeine, suggar and yuri.... now I cant focus at all!!!!! well let find more cafeine!

joined Oct 22, 2018

what a good way to start the day with... overdose of cafeine, suggar and yuri.... now I cant focus at all!!!!! well let find more cafeine!

Weird post to make, but, then again, this is Dynasty Cafe...

joined Dec 7, 2018

what a good way to start the day with... overdose of cafeine, suggar and yuri.... now I cant focus at all!!!!! well let find more cafeine!

Weird post to make, but, then again, this is Dynasty Cafe...

It doesnt look good when you go for double expresso, and mix it with more than 4 packets of sugar! yeah... and cute and loving stories, are good to forget about tiping code, and troubleshoot servers jajajajajjaajaj

joined Dec 7, 2018

mo myy... then I just not only swallowed 4 packets of sugar... I just READ more sugar again!!!!!!!

joined Oct 22, 2018

And here I was, thinking that some ideas for posts that were made in my head, but which I decided not to type in here, were too much... Seemingly, I was wrong...

last edited at Dec 16, 2018 2:35AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

And here I was, thinking that some ideas for posts that were made in my head, but which I decided not to type in here, were too much... Seemingly, I was wrong...

Don't worry yours are still too much. ┐(´∀`)┌

Ahhhrgh... I'm stumped. For some reason my stupid Medusa related story really took off, even though I just wrote it for a request of a friend and didn't put much thought into it. Now I actually gotta invest more effort, but it's so limited on a small island...

I just wanna get to the yuri, but pacing and stuff.

-Rant End-

last edited at Dec 16, 2018 4:40AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I know no one asked for this, but I decided to take a page from Galileo Galileus' book, and do some self-advertisement (since it payed off for him, so might as well try).
So, I am a mapper, but still a small one. Still, I have planned many series in advance. One of these that I yet to start making, but have planned almost entirely, is Alternate Distant Future of the World. Unlike the others I will make, it will, in addition to country-characters (a thing endemic to the mapping and countryball communities) that the others will, also include individual characters. And now we get to the reason why I actually felt safe telling it here and why I chose ADFOW over any other series to tell you about: in season 2, the main two individual characters will actuallybe a yuri couple! Yep, that's right, I'm mixing things I like as much as I possibly can whenever I see a good opportunity. First it was mapping and memes, then yuri and comedy, then yuri and memes, now it's mapping and yuri. And lemme tell you, if there's some kind of story I'm good at making up, it's the storyline for a mapping series, and this yuri couple in season 2 of ADFOW is pretty central to the story. In fact, (scratches back of his head) one of the 2 that would eventually be in that couple would actually make her 1st appearance in the season 1 finale.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Happy holidays, everyone. I hope y'all had an amazing 2018, and I hope all of you will have the best 2019 possible.

joined Feb 3, 2015

Merry Christmas to all! May your holidays be full of warmth and cheer! ^_^

joined Nov 18, 2018

Merry Christmas to all! May your holidays be full of warmth and cheer! ^_^

Yee Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

joined Oct 22, 2018

A great shoutout to my aunt Ana. Today, she's printed that thing I was typing back during in summer break and brought it today.

joined Oct 22, 2018

This thread is so stagnant, even the "Counting" thead over at Sunset Mapping's discord server is more fun.

joined Feb 3, 2015
Stagnant or not, I still can post some music ^_^ yeey Detective Conan

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