^ there are some minor gripes about the animation. Color choice. A few story bits that could have been done better. A few people complaining about it not resembling the original show enough and good old contempt from the body and racial ethnicity diversity (Not NEARLY as much complaining about these as usual though)
I think it is a really great show. Very character driven. Funny and lots of action. Lots of fun characters too. I actually like every single one! The two above are especially excellent. Very well thought out and a little complicated. Really wanna say more but don't want to spoil it. I get a kick out of Adora's name every time I hear it. .
Very little "assembly required" to imagine some same sex pairs for this show too. They give a lot to work with. Especially the dance episode. @_@
last edited at Dec 4, 2018 11:01AM