Tina should be muscular, not skinny.
I didn't read the manga but nothing happened in anime. Comedy and op was good but I didn't get the ending she saw the senpai's panties and went all insane. I want to try reading manga it sounds good.
L.A Noire...
oguzhan96 -
They didn't do the Megumi panties scene correctly. It makes sense in the manga.
last edited at Aug 18, 2018 9:47PM
^If there’s not, I can write one for you.
@Sakura Cartelet not only that, this is the actual cover art for volume 8
Missed Hina in the preview and I'm glad for it cuz...
surprise sandwich is wow
love the colors and the lil adult!NicoMaki headcanon huehehe
Source https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63113693
That girl. She absolutely knew.
wut official?
How is looking at Yamada's ass considered "sexual harassment" ?
They sure are BanGing
Awww look at lil pearl
Lewd hand holding in the middle of the class... thats so risky
Im 4"12 feelsbadman
Canada doesnt deserve this lol poor canada
last edited at Aug 17, 2018 3:23PM
The true pairing
THis is how you transfer magic to keep Kuro alive.
Nico nico nii! ~ <3
this is 50 shades of illegal
^Honestly, I agree.
Love it~
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