When I was a kid I got legit knocked out and lost a few teeth that way,only rather than being a pervert I was just not careful enough around swings. But still...I feel your pain girl.
I'm glad this ship continues to sail! Riko paired with any of her members is a promising couple :)
I missed these two so much..
perverts got wut they deserve lol
as we said in melee worth it
^lotte is like"miss me with that gay shit nigga"
last edited at Feb 1, 2018 2:50AM
i dont know why but watching this make laugh so much
"fancy a sex" all i can think about now is two british people going "Hello my good sir, do you fancy a sex?" "Why, yes. I do fancy a sex."
Gods be praised, finally more MariAli stuff!
That's unrequited love for you...
last edited at Feb 1, 2018 6:35AM
^ I know something better, machoist Ruby
The light is so good
Quality should always go first. Size is meaningless. Flat-chessed? Big boobs? No importance. They're both cute in their own way.
Gayness intensifies
And my vision of NDS changed from that day on...
Submise Tomoko, so rare.
Wait, is that commentary Fermat's Last Yuri?
"I have a proof of this theorem, but there is not enough space in this margin".
That's some "cat that ate the canary" face you're making there, Ruby... Σ:3
@Homura E.N.D it does exist but it's hard to come by and the one I was reading was not very good.
Aw so cute!
Cute...? I think..
Last panel is so adorable
Author commentary via Danbooru:
"Mika Just Couldn't Resist "Oh, your fingers go here..."
"Like this?"
"No.. hmm, like this..."
Waluigi: "WAH-!!!!?"
last edited at Feb 1, 2018 10:16AM
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