Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Jun 23, 2017


seriously, your username is giving me hard time to type it, lol, could I use jpeg instead, so easy xDDDD

Yes, you may. :)

You guys are too confident with your choice xDDDD.

I am usually not confident at all. As a sports fan, I always think, "It is not over until it is over."

But... There are so many components to this story previously discussed that significantly favor a certain ending. Still awaiting for the official ending though, I will never be confident enough to say it is definite. That's just not in my nature.

I'm weird and now I'm also adorable? xDDD Wow, you guys make me feel like I'm very bipolar XDDDDDD

Never said you were weird, but normal is boring anyway. :) You are adorable and I say that with no flirting subtext.

Anyway, I might bet against them but truth is truth, I still see some possibilities in them, not completely impossible xDDDDD, but still not as big as SuminxSungji possibility xDDDDDD.

I would disagree. Even though the Sungji and Sumin end is still possible, anything is until it's official, I would say it is less possible than the Sumin and Seju end. The reasons why have been said many times, even by you on occasion. XD (Not saying that to be mean at all, I like your posts.)

joined Jul 26, 2017

What will Sungji say in next chapter? I am guessing it will be along the line of team leader-nim, I've seen you care for CEO-nim more than anything else. I don't think I can compare. CEO-nim really needs you now. You should go be with her.

How will Sumin respond? No. Seju is part of my past, my first love, that I can never change. But right now, the person I want to be with is you, Sungji-ssi.

Seju will visit the empty villa and find some remanence of her mother. She will go on a journey to learn more about her mom and explore her freedom and eventually realize that she can live without Sumin.

Overtime, Sumin and Sungji will come to realize that Sumin still cares about Seju and Sungji still cannot compare. They will break up gracefully. Sumin will randomly run into Seju, and they start over again.

^That's my dream ending. :)

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 10:51PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Foxy lady

I love this. I don't know jpeg how to feel when people thought of me as Team Gaji - flattered, insulted, annoyed? But most of the time, I am happy.

Definitely feel flattered. :) Your writing to me, personally, has always been reminiscent of the novels I read in school, in the best way. Even though English is my first language, some texts I would read would take some time to fully "digest" and grasp what they are trying to say. Once I do understand, I would be in awe of how they phrased it. This may be due to the time periods we grew up in, but it's also due to a higher level of linguistic intelligence I wish to achieve. My mind is more mathematical in thought.

If I would reflect on my journey with WDTFS since last year, I know I have come into full circle as well. Life before WDTFS was more technical.

I feel the same way. Reading this manhwa and forum has given me a new outlook on certain things. I love what you wrote about the seasons and the umbrella. Before, spring just meant allergy season for me. XD Now, I associate it with cherry blossoms and a new beginning.

I am from a place that gets a lot of snow in the winter, so it usually means time to shovel everything and drive slowly... Of course, snowmans and childhood memories as well, but I never heard of the "first snow" saying until now.

And why I want it to end in chap. 90 and a bonus chapter(epilogue) to tie loose ends.

It would be great to end next chapter. With the pacing so far, I am not sure if it could though. But the end is near, for sure.

The speech bubble is, for me, the signature of Team Gaji that makes the title, What Does The Fox Say, exquisitely beautiful, effectively solid and intriguingly addictive. :)

You explained the speech bubble concept briefly before, but I would definitely like to know more about your thoughts on that. My thoughts on the title is related to the characters right now, as we are waiting for what Sungji says. But I am open to a new perspective on that. :) It has always been an intriguing title to me.

Sungji will always be my "The Fox". Her words/dialogues are for us. It speaks of a philosophy that touches our soul.

Well said. Sungji was the one shown with an actual tail too in chapter 85.


That's my dream ending. :)

Wow... that sounds pretty decent to me. I wouldn't be surprised if something along those lines actually happened.

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 11:13PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

arghh.. no wonder divorce and consumption rates are skyrocketing with this type of mentality!

your computer is dying: get a new one!
the new iphone is out: let's get another new contract and throw this 6 months old phone.
your partner is busy: let's find a new one who could worship us instead.

we deserve this and that.. but what about working for the beautiful things we have instead.. NOOOO GOD FORBIDS.. they are TOXIC !!!

Those indifferent ungrateful people who would jump for every new fluffy thing are truly something! they would never understand the meaning of this story.. and for them to freak out, is just an expected unshocking result.

I am not shaming anyone for their beloved choices.. but a specific way of thinking and the justification sickens me !

Nora, you are being harsh again. You are emphasizing the beauty of it; "those people" are emphasizing the ugly/toxic part of it. You fight for your love; they think they deserve better. I like seju x sumin, but I also see there are a lot of mental abuse in their relationship: calling your ex to listen to your intercourse; taking a girl home when you know your ex is waiting; using your ex as a fuck buddy every time your relationship does not work out; 10+ years of entitled shitty attitude. I wonder if you would still cheer for them if those were physical abuse instead.

Wow... that sounds pretty decent to me. I wouldn't be surprised if something along those lines actually happened.

png, what would surprise you? I wonder.

joined Jun 23, 2017

png, what would surprise you? I wonder.

I'm never sure with your sarcasm, momonosuke... I do like your humor at times though. XD

I guess I've tried my best to understand both sides to a story... so I won't be caught off guard. I am that type of person, indecisive and unsure of many things. I do try my best to keep an open mind and I will seldom say things are "impossible" (unless scientifically or mathematically proven so).

But I do genuinely like your ending. It would be nice for Seju to find happiness elsewhere first and for Sumin to learn what it is like to not have Seju by her side at all times. I think the actual ending may be more consolidated and not require as much time apart, but I liked how you put it.

Also, I'm guessing Sumin will try to find Seju directly once she figures out her true feelings, as opposed to meeting by chance in the future.

last edited at Aug 9, 2017 12:23AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Seju will visit the empty villa and find some remanence of her mother. She will go on a journey to learn more about her mom and explore her freedom and eventually realize that she can live without Sumin.

Overtime, Sumin and Sungji will come to realize that Sumin still cares about Seju and Sungji still cannot compare. They will break up gracefully. Sumin will randomly run into Seju, and they start over again.

^That's my dream ending. :)

I would prefer Sumin running to the villa and finds Seju's dead body. It imo would be a bad writing if she kept on saying that she would die, yet she never did. A failed suicide attempt, at least.

last edited at Aug 9, 2017 12:27AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

I'm never sure with your sarcasm

Hahaha, sarcasm? where?

I guess I've tried my best to understand both sides to a story... so I won't be caught off guard. I am that type of person, indecisive and unsure of many things. I do try my best to keep an open mind and I will seldom say things are "impossible" (unless scientifically or mathematically proven so).

You sound like a gemini. Are you a gemini?

Also, I'm guessing Sumin will try to find Seju directly once she figures out her true feelings, as opposed to meeting by chance in the future.

That would be shameless, but I guess love has no shame.

I would prefer Sumin running to the villa and finds Seju's dead body. It imo is a bad writing if she kept on saying that she would die, yet she never did. A failed suicide attempt, at least.

U dark, girl. U dark. She was almost choked to death. Cut her some slack, plz.

joined Jun 23, 2017


Hahaha, sarcasm? where?

I guess humor would've been a better word there. XD

You sound like a gemini. Are you a gemini?

Is that a characteristic of a Gemini? I am not too familiar with those nor do I really take them seriously. They are fun sometimes though.

That would be shameless, but I guess love has no shame.

From what Seju has been saying all this time, love definitely has no shame.

joined Feb 5, 2016

U dark, girl. U dark. She was almost choked to death. Cut her some slack, plz.

Is there a reason for her to live?

joined Jul 26, 2017

U dark, girl. U dark. She was almost choked to death. Cut her some slack, plz.

Is there a reason for her to live?

Yes. For being my eye candy.

joined Feb 5, 2016

U dark, girl. U dark. She was almost choked to death. Cut her some slack, plz.

Is there a reason for her to live?

Yes. For being my eye candy.

What a good reason for her to die!

joined Apr 28, 2016

Has anyone here thought of Seju would come to the house and choose the exact same way of dying just like her mother?

Or is it just me while everyone thinks she would feel for her mother and live in that house?

joined Jul 26, 2017

Has anyone here thought of Seju would come to the house and choose the exact same way of dying just like her mother?

Or is it just me while everyone thinks she would feel for her mother and live in that house?

If she commits suicide, then all the character development will go to waste whether Sumin is there to stop her or not, so I don't think it will happen.
The eldest definitely sent someone to investigate chairman's will, and then there is that ugly brother's ugly look... She may get attacked in the villa like her mother did. If it happens, Saehyun, rather than Sumin, will the one to save her.

joined Apr 28, 2016


your comment is conforming to my view and does not defy it XD
then you tell me: oh, I am so not like a Libra XD

xDDDDD, honestly I cant deny some facts that are in SejuxSumin's favor XD but not strong enough for me to let go of my thought of SungjixSumin ending XDDDD

About the Libra thing, they all say Libra is very elegant(me? elegant?), has fashionable sense(me? lol xDDDD)
Except for the indecisive tendency, nothing about Libra is true for me XDDDDD

I honestly dont have any back up for my own ending side except for the same old they are built from the start, all the same old reciting reasons.... which are not even convincing for myself so I cant argue with you because I know I would lose. That's why I never talk about them, rather I talk about why SejuxSumin cant really be back as a couple xDDDDDD

last edited at Aug 9, 2017 3:21AM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Foxy lady

I will thoroughly examine your comment in about a week once all my exams are over. XD

But I see what you mean regarding the speech bubbles... Unique perspective, Foxy. :)

So, jpeg, will Team Gaji be happy of overthinking readers like me who love their work?... In as much I feel flattered to be mistaken as Team Gaji, still I feel insulted because I am nothing compared to them. I am an avid fan.:)

I think Team Gaji would be thrilled with having readers like you overthink their work. :) I know I would be if I were an author. Imagine a Korean forum with similar overthinkers and analyzers...

last edited at Aug 9, 2017 2:56AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

If she commits suicide, then all the character development will go to waste

Hmmm, I dont agree, she has to live because of other character development? What about herself?
She doesnt even have the reason to live anymore. The tendency is pretty clear in this chap, and if this chap has showed some implications of that but she didnt do it, I would say that its a bad development for Seju character. For Seju herself, she no longer has the reason to live and if she doesnt try to kill herself once in this story, at this point of the story when she literally has nothing holding her back. I would say its a useless build-up for her own character.

You cant expect her to miraculously look at an old house and go "hey, I should forget and live here" xDDDDDD.

Honestly, one particular scene leads me to think that she should do that is this sentence "if it all ended back then" and her face when she said that. Ended in her sentence is not actually ended the relationship, it is her own life XDDDD

whether Sumin is there to stop her or not, so I don't think it will happen.

Sumin is busy with Sungji and well, she doesnt even know where the house is, lol.

The eldest definitely sent someone to investigate chairman's will, and then there is that ugly brother's ugly look... She may get attacked in the villa like her mother did. If it happens, Saehyun, rather than Sumin, will the one to save her.

I'd rather have her commit suicide than an attack xDDDD. It suits her own development more. Simply because she was pushed to the edge now and if she is still like how she has been for most of the story, what is the point of building a desperate Seju all the time? xDDDDD

She needs to do sth that is built for her and I think committing suicide at this moment is not a bad choice with all the pending implications since the beginning and this is the right time xDDDD

Whether she is saved or not, I dont know lolll

last edited at Aug 9, 2017 3:06AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

Would've been funny if after all the discussion, next chap Sumin and Sungji will have the talk then have one hell of a sex, lollllll

joined Jul 26, 2017

Hmmm, I dont agree

Hmmm, remember the time we agree on everything? Me either. Lol.

She doesnt even have the reason to live anymore. The tendency is pretty clear in this chap, and if this chap has showed some implications of that but she didnt do it, I would say that its a bad development for Seju character. For Seju herself, she no longer has the reason to live and if she doesnt try to kill herself once in this story, at this point of the story when she literally has nothing holding her back. I would say its a useless build-up for her own character.

This chapter sends a mixed signal. She says she can't live without sumin, yet she says losing a family member does not feel as bad as she imagines. I will need the official translation to get a better feel of what that entails.
Maybe something about her mother or motherhood will hold her back.

Simply because she was pushed to the edge now

Is she pushed to an edge, or released from her cage? She is free from her family for the first time, something that has weighted her down even before sumin comes into hey life.

what is the point of building a desperate Seju all the time?

So we can have the satisfaction of seeing her free herself from her misery. :P

joined Apr 28, 2016

Hmmm, remember the time we agree on everything? Me either. Lol.

LOL, we only discussed once if my memory doesnt fail me xDDDD. Not too many to have some agreement, LOL

This chapter sends a mixed signal. She says she can't live without sumin, yet she says losing a family member does not feel as bad as she imagines. I will need the official translation to get a better feel of what that entails.
Maybe something about her mother or motherhood will hold her back.

She has never felt something special towards her family before, even her father. They're all a rope that tied her down, she is well aware of that so she knows she should feel sad but she didnt feel it.

I'd rather focus on her tone about Sumin like she questions herself what would happen if she also lost Sumin now, Saehyun's answer is the same as last time and her face xDDDD.

Simply because she was pushed to the edge now

Is she pushed to an edge, or released from her cage? She is free from her family for the first time, something that has weighted her down even before sumin comes into hey life.

Is it free her from her cage or actually free her from the obligation from living her life? You could see freedom as her living freely but also could see no tie holds her back and Sumin would be the only thing matters and if it's gone, what is there to live?

Thing is, I believe, she has always wanted to have that freedom she is gonna have right now but not alone, she wants to have it with Sumin xDDDD.

So we can have the satisfaction of seeing her free herself from her misery. :P

such a wishful thinking :P

joined Jul 26, 2017

such a wishful thinking :P

What can I say? I am an optimist.
We will see in TEN MORE DAYS. =_=

joined Feb 4, 2017


Nora, you are being harsh again. You are emphasizing the beauty of it; "those people" are emphasizing the ugly/toxic part of it.

well, I have re-explained my view. What I am against is the consumption mentality ( funny because Economics is my area of study) anyway, there is a million thing why someone would say: (oh, hey! Sungji and Sumin would be nice together) besides the fact that Sungji represents a fresh clean start. Also, there is a million reason to say that (Sumin and Seju could never be together) besides the lame idea that they hurt each other in the past and oh, it is beyond fix!!

how could someone understand what beyond fix is when they have this mentality of "new is always better" !

and for the list you made, Seju's reaction to the scarf when Sumin found it in the back seat is all to show you that Seju won't avenge Sumin for the past.

I don't know what's complicated about the view.. but I tend to shoot myself in the foot alot XD.. I hope I restated it nicely.

joined Apr 28, 2016

such a wishful thinking :P

What can I say? I am an optimist.
We will see in TEN MORE DAYS. =_=

Technically, its only 9 days from now xDDDDD.

The end is near, dont worry, the torture is almost over xDDDD

joined Apr 28, 2016

Sumin is busy with Sungji and well, she doesnt even know where the house is, lol.

Sumin knows. chapter 58. :)

She does? I cant argue with you so let's see if she magically appeared at the door house or not XDDDDD

So we can have the satisfaction of seeing her free herself from her misery. :P
such a wishful thinking :P

Can't chap.89 suffice this perspective?... :)

Free from one but not from the bigger other xDDDD. Still wait for that one bit xDDDD

joined Jul 26, 2017

Nora there is a difference between
1. I am throwing away my perfectly working 6-month old phone and buying a new one because I like new stuff. Vs.
2. My current limited edition phone is broken, it may cost me as much to fix it as buying a new regular phone.

Number 1. does not exist in wdtfs because we don't have a "perfectly working 6-month old phone". All of us, including the most unreasonable hardcore team blonde fan, are weighting the cost and benefit of fixing the current one vs buying a new one. You put a lot of value in the current one while others prefer a hazzle free clean start. It is not about consumption; it is about preference.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Fun fact, Seju's short hair actually has gotten longer since its first appearance in chap 56 xD. So detailed, this Team Gaji xDDDD

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