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joined Apr 28, 2016


I totally forgot about this theory you had with Foxy Lady back then xDDDDD. Should be one of the most far-fetched theories we've ever had xDDDDDD. You should be careful, you might get teased for your imagination xDDDDD, not from our forum but well, you know it.

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 11:44AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

I had this theory going on even before the list of question I wrote in page 266 back in May.. even before communicating personally with Foxy Lady.. which means that we both reached the same conclusion individually. Do Team Gaji have to discuss this now? NO
Does it make sense for a sequel? YES
Do I care what they call me in other threads? Not very much

joined Apr 28, 2016

Bottom Line:
the similarity in background is NOT in wealth.. Seju's family is one of the Chaebols (not your average rich.. we are talking filthy rich!).. while Sumin's family are the kind who live in a normal apartment.

  • financial status similarity: excluded

I am suspecting deeper similarities in background.. a political level rather than economical.

You know, Nora, this chapter's flashback is kinda 100% convincing me that Sumin and Seju are not from the same financial background. Sumin said she cant do much for Seju. If they're the same filthy rich kids, I believe Sumin would never said that, since with her own financial power, Sumin could totally be strong enough to will Seju from her family, financially and more than that.

This chapter really makes me curious about what "party for kids from the same background" means. Sumin has both parents and they seem to be happy family, not like Seju's family. What kind of party to have a filthy rich kid and an ordinary kid both attended? When they met, I believe Seju's mother has passed away for years, so I dont think its a connection from the mother's side. Chaebols have a thing for looking down at people who are "lower" than them so I dont think Seju got to see her relatives from mother's side because of her brothers.

joined Apr 28, 2016

I had this theory going on even before the list of question I wrote in page 266 back in May.. even before communicating personally with Foxy Lady.. which means that we both reached the same conclusion individually. Do Team Gaji have to discuss this now? NO
Does it make sense for a sequel? YES
Do I care what they call me in other threads? Not very much

Hmmm, it might be plausible in a way or two but like you said, if it went that way, it would need a sequel but a sequel without....Sungji, hmmmm, I think TG values all three of them not just as characters but as something dear to them so a sequel without one of them could be not what they wanted xD. If I were them, I dont want that either, I want it to be still about all three of them for a sequel.

joined Feb 4, 2017


You know, Nora, this chapter's flashback is kinda 100% convincing me that Sumin and Seju are not from the same financial background.

you want more evidence, ch56 flashback.. AND ch2 flashback, the car talk. they are NOT from the same financial background.

Chaebols have a thing for looking down at people who are "lower" than them so I dont think Seju got to see her relatives from mother's side because of her brothers.

YES!.. Seju's mother and Sumin's parents are somewhat from the same class.. but if there is more into it.. a political connection of some sort!
remember, Baeks are chaebols, their power is not only in the money but politics as well.
Saehyun is around his fourty's (I don't have a source for this).. he was really young when Seju's mother died.. and he grew affection for her.. she seemed to be a very caring and loving person.

I think TG values all three of them not just as characters but as something dear to them so a sequel without one of them could be not what they wanted xD.

that's because Sungji deserves her own sequel too.. do you think the thing with Dawoon is over ?

okay.. this is an overdose of shooting myself in the foot~

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 12:14PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

YES!.. Seju's mother and Sumin's parents are somewhat from the same class.. but if there is more into it.. a political connection of some sort!
remember, Baeks are chaebols, their power is not only in the money but politics as well.
Saehyun is around his fourty's (I don't have a source for this).. he was really young when Seju's mother died.. and he grew affection for her.. she seemed to be a very caring and loving person.

The thing is,
1. Like I said, Seju's mother has died way before the party when they met happened. Seju's family wont let her meet her relatives from mother's side for sure. They dont consider them relevant and I dont think her father could do much about it. Basically, Seju herself doesnt really have connection with the Ahns. So sending her to a party that she or her family from her father's side doesnt have any relations in that? So highly unlikely.
2. Even if its political connections, to have chaebols attend that party, those people should have one heck of political power. With that kind of political power, Sumin shouldnt feel so ordinary compare to Seju. After all, chaebols dont attend a party that they dont think important or high class enough.

With all that, its kinda mysterious for me to know how the heck could they meet? An ordinary kid and a chaebol kid. As far as I know, its not easy for you to meet a chaebol kid in Korea if you're an ordinary kid, chaebol only attend high class parties, private schools, bodyguards everywhere they go

that's because Sungji deserves her own sequel too.. do you think the thing with Dawoon is over ?

But still, that would separate Sungji from the trio. She'll have her own story without any relations with the other two anymore. Like a different story already xD.

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 12:43PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


if I try answering your questions.. all I would be doing is giving you more assumptions. The theory is still plausible and I could defend it but not on this platform.

joined Jul 11, 2017

Wow that is far-fetched but plausible! I like far-fetched theories XD lol thanks for explaining it to me.
If it's summer all year round it'll also create its own problem (like the one I'm having X.X lol)
Do you guys know when WDTFS will end? I'm going to have severe withdrawal symptom lol it has one of the best story, portrayal of characters and artwork (especially love the artwork)

joined Feb 4, 2017


Wow that is far-fetched but plausible! I like far-fetched theories

sorry about that.. you are not used to me yet XD

As for when the Manhwa will end depends totally on the point in which team Gaji decided.. because the story is much bigger than a mere love triangle(s). Each character, including the supporting ones, does have enough and well designed background to pick something up from whatever point the Manhwa ends at.
All could have it all.. the dark, nasty and complicated unexpected with it

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 1:48PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

The Chaebol only exist because of politics.

joined Feb 4, 2017


The Chaebol only exist because of politics.

mmhm.. is it a correlation or causation? or maybe reversed causation!
Chaebols were once the reason of South Korea's economic miracle.. hehe westerners hate to mention that Park Chung-hee, a dictator, was the the man who planned it all.. a real life benevolent dictator XD. Anyways, in any country, beyond a certain level of wealth, business and politics become inseparable.. think of Mercedes Benz to Germany and GM to United states or maybe Microsoft.. or even better, big banks effects on the U.S elections XD

politicians yell and brag about many issues: mainly
- unemployment rate
- Taxes
- Inflation rate
all these issues are to be discussed with those who do affect the economy, chaebols or any big corporates.
hehehe.. indeed they both go hand in hand

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 4:36PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

Park Chung-hee, a dictator, was the the man who planned it all

Exactly what i mean that they exist because of politics.

Don't worry though i hate on the Chaebols as much as i do on any countries equivalent ; )

Edit: that was a joke by the way, i don't really hate on them but i don't like them either.

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 4:45PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


Edit: that was a joke by the way, i don't really hate on them but i don't like them either.

I know.. it's just interesting why S.Korea has a specific name for them, when they basically exist in every country with the same dynamics.
I can't bring myself to hate them much, since they are #1 job providers and the main power of any country's economy (whether the huge taxes they pay, contribution in overall production -GDP or giving their countries a bargaining power over trade and other serious political matters)
mmhm.. secondary matters like encouraging innovation & education

well, they kinda enslave some workers.. sigh! damn capitalism
I am a social-democrate (before someone jumps at me to lecture me about communism XD).. well, that's untill humanity can come up with something creative !

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 4:59PM

joined Mar 21, 2017


Japan had the 'Zaibatsu'

I think the US still like to pretend that they're not under the influence of corporations. Trump is a corporation so why did so many think that he was different lol.

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 5:02PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

well, Democracy's Curse.. anyone can vote, anyone can be elected XD
if it was up to me.. I just make the education so suburb that no one is ignorant to make such shameful choices or think that politics are not "an urgent" matter!.. and those who refuse to be educated properly, won't vote! (now, is the education system unbiased in the first place hehe)

joined Mar 21, 2017

I can't bring myself to hate them much, since they are #1 job providers and the main power of any country's economy (whether the huge taxes they pay, contribution in overall production -GDP or giving their countries a bargaining power over trade and other serious political matters)

Some of that's debatable but a bit off topic and probably too much for my brain to handle lol.
Just be careful of trickle down economics.

joined Feb 4, 2017


Just be careful of trickle down economics.

that's I have some professional opinions about.. XD
but it's off topic indeed

joined Apr 28, 2016

Chaebols were once the reason of South Korea's economic miracle.. hehe westerners hate to mention that Park Chung-hee, a dictator, was the the man who planned it all.. a real life benevolent dictator XD. Anyways, in any country, beyond a certain level of wealth, business and politics become inseparable.. think of Mercedes Benz to Germany and GM to United states or maybe Microsoft.. or even better, big banks effects on the U.S elections XD

Park Chung Hee is one of the reasons why Chaebols has so many powers in Korea. But thanks to those chaebols, Korea has developed so much after just a few decades. Unlike many countries where the rich only have money, in Korea, the chaebols have super power in every aspect and they could manipulate everything. This is one of the very reasons why chaebols in Korea are super arrogant and can get away with everything, even the Korean President couldnt do anything much about them. They're very very powerful.

joined Jul 11, 2017

What kind of policies did Park Chung Hee implement that gave chaebols so much power?

Oh speaking of background.. If Seju and Sumin's (financial) background is not similar.. What if at the party where they met Sumin was just the daughter of a maid (who got pulled along to the party because mother needs to work)? XD

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 10:21PM

joined Apr 28, 2016


if I try answering your questions.. all I would be doing is giving you more assumptions. The theory is still plausible and I could defend it but not on this platform.

xDDD, other platform then XDDDDD. The current pace of wdtfs makes me wonder how they could end this story alot. Seju basically wont do anything, unless something tragic happens to her or she pulls Oscar- winner acting and makes one heck of plot twist xDDDDD. Sungji seems to have already sensed Sumin and Seju's memories are not just mere past lovers while Sumin is pretty much also determined to be with Sungji as of now(not the future). Well, what a puzzle to solve xDDDDD.

joined Apr 28, 2016

What kind of policies did Park Chung Hee implement that gave chaebols so much power?

Back then, Korea was a poor country. To push their economy, Park Chung Hee has taken money from the rich(Samsung....) to use for agriculture and all. Basically, politicians and Korean economy completely depended on the rich and their money, especially Samsung. And when they've actually become a developed country like it is today, the power of Chaebols has come beyond imagination. They can manipulate everything from politics to media. This kind of thing is a common knowledge among Korean citizens so there are quite a lot of Korean dramas about these people. WDTFS is not an exception, and I think TG absolutely knows how the rich's world in Korea works, they're Korean after all.

Korea is pretty different about this rich world compare to other countries because of this past xD.

Oh speaking of background.. If Seju and Sumin's (financial) background is not similar.. What if at the party where they met Sumin was just the daughter of a maid (who got pulled along to the party because mother needs to work)? XD

xDDDD, chaebols in Korean dont care about parties of their maids, xDDDDDDDD. They're not some nice people we can imagine. Those people are arrogant beyond your imagination, really.

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 10:43PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I'd recommend reading the wikipedia page on Chaebols and then reading the sources provided.

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 10:56PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Lol no i meant the mom was there as a maid i.e. to serve and then Sumin escaped from the kitchen or something hahahaha

joined Jun 7, 2017

Do you guys think that Team Gaji might let Seju move on or leaving at the end of the story? Or finding her a new love interest with a final chap, giving her an open ending?

For me, I dont want that. Seju's love has become some kind of a symbolism for me throughout the story, unchanging and faithful. One love we could admire but also feel a little bit toxic as well. I feel like if Seju actually moved on or fell in love with someone else when there were someone good enough came along, wdtfs would lose one of its most meaningful symbols, "forever love". When the most faithful character comes to that, its just a way to tell the world, love can change, no matter what kind of promises or faithful words and memories. It will be a big disappointment for an delivery message ending as a love story with healing theme.

I'm not talking about Seju and Sumin being together or not. I just focus on Seju's love this comment.

last edited at Jul 12, 2017 12:14AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

^ Would be realistic though ; P

last edited at Jul 12, 2017 12:40AM

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