Nora ehh, I am not convinced on the sumin as a darker version of dawoon part. Their appearances.... maybe kind of perhaps have some resemblances, but that's it. Personality wise, meh. I don't know how sungi would have mixed up the two.
yes they are.. the same way that Ms. Choi is a darker shade of Seju.
the reason I say that is not only because Sungji herself was the one to bring the comparison from Ch1 even (as we just explained above subtly)
take a look with me:
ch61, Dawoon is with Camilie.. having amazing horny sex.. she says "I love you" but her heart is still attached to her first love. But in ch60, when Dawoon talked about her break up,
Dawoon: I thought we were in a healthy relationship. she said something when we broke up "I guess you didn't love me". really.. didn't I !
now, let's go to the hotel, ch62:
Dawoon: I was beginning to know what love is. I wanted to love someone
heheh.. now we go to ch 41:
Sumin: can I like you?
Sumin: I love you.
Sumin: I'm miserable about the fact that I'm scared of this emotion.
take a moment.. think about what I just mentioned.