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joined Feb 4, 2017

My one question then is why is the dream in chapter 86 in grey but the scene in chapter 14 in black like all the other flashbacks?

good question.. actually, even Seju's dream in ch82 was not in black, but a little of fading panel.
is Gaji trying to differentiate between a dream and a flashback.. or there is more into it XD

joined Jun 23, 2017

Maybe they just wanted to differentiate it more since the dream and flashback are in the same chapter. To make it clearer for the reader.

The obvious dream in chapter 15 is also in black.

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 5:29AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I'm now doubting chapter 82 was a dream to be honest. I feel like those things were actually said and then Seju fell asleep while Sumin was replying to her.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Now it all feels inconsistent as the one in chapter 15 was a dream.

I think i'm going to go back to playing games instead lol

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 5:38AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

I'm now doubting chapter 82 was a dream to be honest. I feel like those things were actually said and then Seju fell asleep while Sumin was replying to her.

ch82 is a dream indeed.. Seju closed her eyes first > had the dream > and later Sumin woke her up

and Sumin won't call her Seju-yah unless she is under a lot of emotional pressure (ch54, ch74, and ch85)

joined Mar 21, 2017

This is the way I read chapter 55

"But there must've been times when she missed it" Seju narrates
We see Sumin wobble up the stairs to Sejus room and lie on top of her
"... you came" Seju says in scene
"Those short moments" Seju narrates

All I see is an example of a time in which Sumin goes back to Seju as she talks about times & moments (both are plural). "You came" could mean that Seju was partially expecting it

Now you guys could be right, but no matter how many times I read it that's the only way I can see it.

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 5:51AM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Has Sungji and Sumin ever discussed her tattoo? That would be important in a relationship, I would think.

Will we ever see Sumin actually deciding on and getting the tattoo? Does not seem likely, but that would be interesting.

joined Mar 21, 2017

By the way i'm not as strong in my opinions as you guys are, these are more just my thoughts and are not set in stone.

Has Sungji and Sumin ever discussed her tattoo? That would be important in a relationship, I would think.

I think Sungji senses that Sumin has pain behind that tattoo and is waiting for Sumin to bring it up herself. I thought it was one of the reasons Sumin liked Sungji, she isn't so focussed on the tattoo as the others were. It's brought up in one of the chapters I believe.

joined Jun 23, 2017

I think Sungji senses that Sumin has pain behind that tattoo and is waiting for Sumin to bring it up herself. I thought it was one of the reasons Sumin liked Sungji, she isn't so focussed on the tattoo as the others were. It's brought up in one of the chapters I believe.

True, but I think once a relationship reaches a certain level, you are able to open up fully to the other person. Sumin has not been able to do that yet.

joined Mar 21, 2017

I think Sungji senses that Sumin has pain behind that tattoo and is waiting for Sumin to bring it up herself. I thought it was one of the reasons Sumin liked Sungji, she isn't so focussed on the tattoo as the others were. It's brought up in one of the chapters I believe.

True, but I think once a relationship reaches a certain level, you are able to open up fully to the other person. Sumin has not been able to do that yet.

I think Sumins a bit slow in processing some of her thoughts, took her 10 years to figure out that part of her was still in love with Seju ;)

joined Jun 23, 2017

I think Sumins a bit slow in processing some of her thoughts, took her 10 years to figure out that part of her was still in love with Seju ;)

Yeah, Sumin needs to pick up the pace. Everybody here wants to know the ending already.

joined Feb 4, 2017


"But there must've been times when she missed it"

what does she mean by "it".. see, Seju knows partially why Sumin was sleeping with so many women.. (she missed being intimate, those moments when they meant everything to each other.. this was proven in ch55 sex scene.. this is what Sumin gave up) and again is proven by this chapter, subtly.


Has Sungji and Sumin ever discussed her tattoo? That would be important in a relationship, I would think.

no, they never did.. actually the only time Sungji tried to know was in ch29, Sumin flinched and never discussed it.
there is a theory however, that Nammi told Sungji "from her perspective" which may not be the full truth (even Seju does not know the whole truth about the scar), any ways, Nammi's perspective handed down to Sungji is the main reason Sungji thinks that Seju is a "a bad and violent person"
that's maybe why Sungji said to Sumin in ch51: "I don't think you will hurt me in that way" -which way does Sungji mean?

joined Mar 21, 2017


"But there must've been times when she missed it"

what does she mean by "it".. see, Seju knows partially why Sumin was sleeping with so many women.. (she missed being intimate, those moments when they meant everything to each other.. this was proven in ch55 sex scene.. this is what Sumin gave up) and again is proven by this chapter, subtly.

I won't disagree with that. They had such a loving relationship before they broke up.

joined Jun 23, 2017


there is a theory however, that Nammi told Sungji "from her perspective" which may not be the full truth (even Seju does not know the whole truth about the scar), any ways, Nammi's perspective handed down to Sungji is the main reason Sungji thinks that Seju is a "a bad and violent person"
that's maybe why Sungji said to Sumin in ch51: "I don't think you will hurt me in that way" -which way does Sungji mean?

........................... I had a small mind blown moment right now. Then Sungji would want to protect Sumin from Seju more....
That would be a twist, if it were true.

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 6:01AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I'm not one of those that blames either one more for their breakup to be honest, they were both equally too blame. I think I just get caught up with feeling a need to defend Sumin that people don't realise that i'm not actually on either team.

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 6:06AM

joined Jun 23, 2017

I'm not one of those that blames either one more for their breakup to be honest, they were both equally too blame. I think I just get caught up with defending Sumin that people don't realise that i'm not actually on either team.

I thought you just really hated Seju. XD If anything, she needs more defense, as she gets the most hate from readers.

I agree, they were both to blame for the breakup.

joined Feb 4, 2017


Then Sungji would want to protect Sumin from Seju more....

hehehe.. exactly!
let's get back to ch55, Foxy lady explained it thoroughly.. the wine bottle (Sumin's weakness), resignation letter (she wanted to leave), Sumin's button (Seju's violence)

ch77, the way Sungji hugged Sumin away from Seju (protective)
ch79, Sungji: why do you act like a bad person?
ch84, the whole conversation that Sungji made with Seju is actually to confirm the following:

  1. Sumin was not drunk in ch55
  2. Seju is not a violent drunk person
  3. Seju let Sumin do what she wants
  4. even if the other person is drunk, Sumin would still rationalize sex (pulling Sungji's shirt down..Sungji's sharp glare)

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 6:13AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I thought you just really hated Seju. XD If anything, she needs more defense, as she gets the most hate from readers.

I don't like her personality, nor do i idolise her which is mainly based on how I feel about those born into money. But can you blame me when people idolise the rich so much in western media and ignore the poor or middle class.

As for Seju's defense she doesn't really get attacked on this thread, which is the only thread i'm active on.

Have you noticed that people call themselves team blonde or pink but rarely black? Or is that just what I see?

Too be honest I don't idolise anyone in general, not even contributors to this thread.

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 6:18AM

joined Jun 23, 2017


hehehe.. exactly!
let's get back to ch55, Foxy lady explained it thoroughly.. the wine bottle (Sumin's weakness), resignation letter (she wanted to leave), Sumin's button (Seju's violence)

That puts things in a different perspective... I thought Sungji thought Seju was a "bad person," because of the cheating incident and that she was protective of Sumin due to her jealousy.

That panel in chapter 84 when Sungji sips the wine was always very intriguing to me. That is when she realized all of the things you mentioned up to that point.

Foxy lady

Thank you. :)

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 6:32AM

joined Jun 23, 2017


Understandable. From my perspective, even though she was born into money, she is constantly hated on by her family members and the only light in her life was Sumin, who genuinely loved her. I thought that was endearing. Sumin was also born into money, as they come from "similar backgrounds."

Have you noticed that people call themselves team blonde or pink but rarely black? Or is that just what I see?

That is just the nature of a love triangle. The person in the middle is usually not named. Like in "Twilight" (yes, I am referencing that... only watched the first movie), it was either Team Edward or Team Jacob, not Team Bella.

I think Sumin is adorable. Unfortunately, she has been through so much that she has become cold and distant. Sungji has never intentionally done bad, so there is nothing to dislike with her. All three are great characters.

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 6:30AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Foxy lady

you had been busy..Hahaha... nice "hair" explanation. Hmmm... try finishing it..

hehehe.. thanks to you, you always shock me with your sharpness !

For Sumin, her dreams are memories well-kept within the inner sanctum of her being that she constantly denies. It is buried deep in the recesses of her memory that she doesn't want to remember. That is why, it is black.

well said.. !!


which is mainly based on how I feel about those born into money.

I've been always perceived as lucky, spoiled and incompetent because I was also "born into money".. however, that only pushed me to become an overachiever.. still yet, I am not taken seriously no matter what I do.. I guess Sumin was right in ch2.. Same thing for Seju I guess.. she is a very successful business woman, but all that is not taken seriously either.
AND, Media as well contributed in presenting the rich as selfish, materialistic, incapable of appreciating little things and enjoying them.. and upfront evil ! hehehe


That panel in chapter 84 when Sungji sips the wine was always very intriguing to me. That is when she realized all of the things you mentioned.

hehehe.. CORRECT! XD

joined Mar 21, 2017


Understandable. From my perspective, even though she was born into money, she is constantly hated on by her family members and the only light in her life was Sumin, who genuinely loved her. I thought that was endearing. Sumin was also born into money, as they come from "similar backgrounds."

That's reason enough to sympathise with her which i do. She still has more privilage than others, her father loves her and gives her everything she wants. (There is a conversation where they talk about that I'm pretty sure in one of the chapters). Sumin is the same but after her parents death where did all her money go? Did they ever talk about her inheritance?

Have you noticed that people call themselves team blonde or pink but rarely black? Or is that just what I see?

That is just the nature of a love triangle. The person in the middle is usually not named. Like in "Twilight" (yes, I am referencing that... only watched the first movie), it was either Team Edward or Team Jacob, not Team Bella.

Good point . I don't really read love triangles lol so this is all new too me.

joined Jun 23, 2017


Sumin is the same but after her parents death where did all her money go? Did they ever talk about her inheritance?

Good point. I would assume it went to her, unless she has siblings.

I don't really read love triangles lol so this is all new too me.

Good for you. Another nature of love triangles is that people often blindly hate the other party and have a tunnel vision when reading or watching the story. This has happened here too, unfortunately.

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 6:46AM

joined Mar 21, 2017


I don't hate people because they are born into money but i don't idolise them either. You're still human, you're not created in a lab. You still make mistakes, you still have emotions. The thing is that things are easier when you have a safety net, Seju may be a successful business women but she still has one. My disliking of her personality isn't based on her being born into money, i only brought that up in regards as to why i don't idolise her.

Look at Sejus brothers, they're a good example of safety nets.

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 6:55AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Foxy lady

For Sumin, her dreams are memories well-kept within the inner sanctum of her being that she constantly denies. It is buried deep in the recesses of her memory that she doesn't want to remember. That is why, it is black.

Seju is dreaming about her wishes (grey background).. Sumin dreams about the past (black background) .
seju doesn't care about the past.. but to make a better future. For that, even if Sumin found out that the bartender didn't sleep with Seju, Seju doesn't care about the past.. she won't avenge Sumin for it..back then.. they both made mistakes, but currently we know how both look into their relationship:

Seju: is all about starting over.. make it right
Sumin: is all about the past.. she wants it back

maybe that's why.. she said in ch64.. even if they wanted to go back in is not the time they are both thinking about

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 7:02AM

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