Forum › Prism discussion

joined Sep 1, 2011

lol I like how it got the tag "tracing" exclusively. Prism was meh anyway. Maybe it'll serve as a lesson and teach Shou to try something different next.

joined May 31, 2013

lol I like how it got the tag "tracing" exclusively. Prism was meh anyway. Maybe it'll serve as a lesson and teach Shou to try something different next.

I liked it, mostly because it was different then your usual school girl yuri with somewhat realistic drama a young lesbian couple might face.

I do design work and usually there are only two reason's for traceing: you don't have the talent to draw the scene OR your trying to meet a deadline, considering the artist has some pretty quality non traced work I'm guessing its the latter in this case. and i can tell you guys allot of guys who don't draw themselves and just manage business will hand down unreasonable deadlines. (I had some idiot who wanted rough drafts for free and expected them done in 10 minutes. he wonders to this day why no-one wants to work for him.)

joined May 31, 2013

I should probably add that I am not trying to justify plagerism, merely pointing out why its becoming prevalent from clearly talented artist working in manga and comics. (particularly marvel.)

joined Jun 15, 2013

It's a shame. I really liked Prism. :(

Not too many yuri series have the relationship start early within the storyline. And when it does, it's mostly just silly, cute gag stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that) without any seriousness and development. I like how Prism doesn't tell the story of two girls who eventually end up together but instead tells the story of two girls in a relationship and their experiences together. When I'm reading, I'm not screaming in my head, "Dammit, when are you guys just gonna get together already?!" You don't feel the anticipation of wondering when the heck the two would finally be in a relationship with each other. You already get to see the two spend their sweet moments together and thus become more easily satisfied with each chapter you read. That's what I find beautiful about series like this.

Ugh, why did it have to end like this? ;~;

Biggest. Disappointment. Ever.

joined Nov 21, 2011

I take photo as a hobby, I wouldn't mind my photos being used for Prism coz I love this series very much. I really wish it'll come back from hiatus but the future seems bleak. What Shou should have done was to take his own picture with the exact same pose and trace it..

joined Aug 7, 2013

This anime and its story is sweet.

joined Apr 8, 2013

It's a shame. I really liked Prism. :(

Not too many yuri series have the relationship start early within the storyline. And when it does, it's mostly just silly, cute gag stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that) without any seriousness and development. I like how Prism doesn't tell the story of two girls who eventually end up together but instead tells the story of two girls in a relationship and their experiences together. When I'm reading, I'm not screaming in my head, "Dammit, when are you guys just gonna get together already?!" You don't feel the anticipation of wondering when the heck the two would finally be in a relationship with each other. You already get to see the two spend their sweet moments together and thus become more easily satisfied with each chapter you read. That's what I find beautiful about series like this.

Ugh, why did it have to end like this? ;~;

Biggest. Disappointment. Ever.

Agreed, at least there was no major plotline going on due to the format of the story.

Two arms raised!! Waaaaaa~y up high!! So agree with you on this one. I just wish that they would continue this. If they did, it would be one of the most phenomenal yuri manga EVER. (Just my opininon XD)

joined Oct 16, 2013

I was close to tearing up after hearing the manga was dropped for the author's tracing. For months, I hoped it would continue. Now, I'm just grateful we got to at least see them be together and take their relationship further.

joined Apr 19, 2013

I read that this manga was going to be an anime!!!! Can someone confirm or deny it?? I got the information here:

p.d: also the finale of Maria-sama ga miteru

joined Oct 11, 2010

interesting... but completely overshadowed by seeing... FRANKEN FRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joined Nov 11, 2010

That is a fake anime chart. They're often created on /a/ for trolling purposes, by including many highly desired sequels or adaptations of series which are generally considered impossible.

joined Mar 23, 2011

dammit I really liked this manga. AGH I'm so frustrated and super mad!

joined Jan 30, 2014

Aww~ I missed this series. I hope they'll let him continue this series again

joined Nov 30, 2011

That is a fake anime chart. They're often created on /a/ for trolling purposes, by including many highly desired sequels or adaptations of series which are generally considered impossible.

I'd be upset if this got an anime over Girl Friends or the rest of Sasameki Koto. (Still surprised to see Sakura Trick air when those two seemed to be the best contenders, but I'm not complaining XD .)

last edited at Feb 1, 2014 12:57AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

(Still surprised to see Sakura Trick air when those two seemed to be the best contenders, but I'm not complaining XD .)

Sakura Trick was given to us by the magazine that gave us Yuyushiki and Kiniro Mosaic. Not a full yuri magazine (where there would be more options), we are actually lucky to have it animated :D

Anyways, I've been holding back on reading Prism even after all the praise it gets and such a tragic outcome of it being canceled :(

Should I read? Will I be more dissapointed than satisfied? Is it worth the read?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's very much worth the read. The scene where they get together is one of my favourites in yuri (on a level with the one in Pierce), and the way the story is written it could almost have been intended to end where it did and still pretty much be complete. There's no overarching story except the romance anyhow, so you're not missing out on anything grand, just more adventures of two fairly realistic girls facing the world as a couple.

joined Oct 15, 2013

It's very much worth the read. The scene where they get together is one of my favourites in yuri (on a level with the one in Pierce), and the way the story is written it could almost have been intended to end where it did and still pretty much be complete. There's no overarching story except the romance anyhow, so you're not missing out on anything grand, just more adventures of two fairly realistic girls facing the world as a couple.

Thanks, read it. Just reporting back:

Brilliant. I love this kind of mangas, flirty mangas, felt like a bit more serious (still not so serious) version of Wife and Wife. We really don't get many of those and none on-going (Kase-san is debatable but I think it's weak flirt-wise).

I can see where all the praising comes from (when it comes to that). Such a shame... I feel really sad about the whole tracing situation now... Argghhh!

Going on my favs.

last edited at Feb 1, 2014 12:24PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm probably desensitized thanks to tracing being more common on american comic books but I don't see why's that big of a deal here. The comparisons posted on that article look more like references than tracing and even then the context on which are they used is completly different and consistent with the story (besides that poses are really generic). I dunno, probably I'm just bitter since this led to Prism's cancellation and that's a shame since the format and story were so different to the usual found on the genre (and really different to Sou's other works)

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

I loved this story too. I agree it's a shame it was canceled.

I don't know, but I think it wasn't that photos were traced, but that photos that were owned by someone else were used without permission for the tracing. I could be wrong. Or maybe this was just to obvious for anyone to comment on.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I loved this story too. I agree it's a shame it was canceled.

I don't know, but I think it wasn't that photos were traced, but that photos that were owned by someone else were used without permission for the tracing. I could be wrong. Or maybe this was just to obvious for anyone to comment on.

Either way, I think one big issue here is that the artist has lost the trust of the publisher and probably some other publishers by extension. It's going to be hard for them to sell their work for a while given that, I think.

And meanwhile here in the West, Greg Land's career continues.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I loved this story too. I agree it's a shame it was canceled.

I don't know, but I think it wasn't that photos were traced, but that photos that were owned by someone else were used without permission for the tracing. I could be wrong. Or maybe this was just to obvious for anyone to comment on.

Either way, I think one big issue here is that the artist has lost the trust of the publisher and probably some other publishers by extension. It's going to be hard for them to sell their work for a while given that, I think.

And meanwhile here in the West, Greg Land's career continues.

Well, a lot of the mainstream comics readers in the West really adore photo-realistic art. Also, gradient coloring. They must love gradient coloring. Because man, there sure are a lot of DC books that use it.

Although, it seems to me that Greg Land's popularity has been waning these past couple of years.

As a big comicbook buff I have to say than the taste on art is really diverse and only what it could be called the lowest denominator are fine with things like Land's work. The only thing I want from my comics is than the characters look handsome (beautiful in womens case), as long they look good I'm fine with any amount of stylizing on the artist part. Aside of the good story I loved Prism because the character while somewhat plain were really pretty (and since a big amount of the yuri genre leans more to the shoujo side of the things, it was a welcome change). Is really a shame than the scandal pretty much destroyed Shou's non H career, he deserved better :/

joined Feb 7, 2013

Love every thing in this manga, story, Characters, . . . . So sad. ; _ ;

joined May 15, 2012

I hate how it was cancelled... i think that it wasn't really tracing ....if Prism was accused of tracing than Inoue Takehiko must be too for slam dunk...(may I post an outside link?)

Also the images that they say was traced was not even part of the story! it was only an extra...

last edited at Mar 7, 2014 10:48AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

I hate how it was cancelled... i think that it wasn't really tracing ....if Prism was accused of tracing than Inoue Takehiko must be too for slam dunk...(may I post an outside link?)

Also the images that they say was traced was not even part of the story! it was only an extra...

He traced models, this page here being an example
I don't think tracing actual people is as bad as tracing other artist's work, but what do i know

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I hate how it was cancelled... i think that it wasn't really tracing ....if Prism was accused of tracing than Inoue Takehiko must be too for slam dunk...(may I post an outside link?)

Also the images that they say was traced was not even part of the story! it was only an extra...

He traced models, this page here being an example
I don't think tracing actual people is as bad as tracing other artist's work, but what do i know

As I recall, part of the issue is that he traced a copyright image, rather than a stock reference photo or one he'd taken himself. That would have put the publisher on shaky legal ground so I can see them taking it seriously.

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