It's a shame. I really liked Prism. :(
Not too many yuri series have the relationship start early within the storyline. And when it does, it's mostly just silly, cute gag stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that) without any seriousness and development. I like how Prism doesn't tell the story of two girls who eventually end up together but instead tells the story of two girls in a relationship and their experiences together. When I'm reading, I'm not screaming in my head, "Dammit, when are you guys just gonna get together already?!" You don't feel the anticipation of wondering when the heck the two would finally be in a relationship with each other. You already get to see the two spend their sweet moments together and thus become more easily satisfied with each chapter you read. That's what I find beautiful about series like this.
Ugh, why did it have to end like this? ;~;
Biggest. Disappointment. Ever.