Forum › Manga/doujins which feature a timeskip showing the main couple living happily ever after

joined Oct 4, 2016


I love it when manga, particularly the ones featuring high school romance, show the couple in the future still together and still in love. So heartwarming. So cute and fluffy.

Here are the ones I'm familiar with:

Aqua Blue Cinema
Clover (The extra chapter is a timeskip for chapter 2.)
Cross Heart
Ebisu-san and Hotei-san

Anybody think of any others?

joined Jul 15, 2016

Butterfly 69 immediately comes to mind.

joined Dec 15, 2015

Original Yuri Story
The Girl's magic flute and its sequel

This also fits in the "happily ever after", although I don't know if it's the form of time-skip you're looking for : Born this way / Off-time / Jewels.

Some others come to my mind but I'm not sure whether it fits what you're searching. I'm dropping Unchanging days because I believe it does.

You're welcome fellow !

Oh, and obviously this and the mandatory sequel.


last edited at Feb 20, 2017 1:23PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Girl Friends has a few pages following a timeskip, and skips over their third year of high school as well.

joined Jan 11, 2015

Can real life timeskip to the part where I live happily ever after?

joined Dec 15, 2015

particularly the ones featuring high school romance, show the couple in the future

Then this might also fit, it follows the couple through their last high-school year and the beginning of their life together, but there isn't any real time-skip. Still, I'd recommend anyone to read it with my life on the line.

joined Oct 4, 2016

A Passing Story is kinda-sorta a reverse time skip. MC tells a story in flashback mode about her high school romance, and then we find out at the end that they're still together.

joined Oct 4, 2016

The sea, you, and the sun has an ambiguous timeskip in the last panel. The main character mentions that her wife complains about their wedding anniversary dinner "every year". No indication of how many years that covers, but we can surmise at least two, probably more.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Surprised no one has mentioned Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 yet.

joined Dec 15, 2015


Hesitated to put this one, it's not a lolicon but the younger one is really .. young at the beginning. And if I remember correctly that's something @Vankomycin can't bring himself to like.

Vankomycin posted :

For me, the combination of Age Gap and Lolicon is a no-go. Years ago I had a job which involved mucking out the latrines of the Internet, and that job occasionally put me in the path of child porn. Like real, actual child porn, which I would then have to save as evidence for the FBI.

Seeing real pubescent and real pre-pubescent kids being diddled and fucked by real adults takes the shine off of seeing it portrayed in manga. I avoid anything with lolicon and shotacon content as a consequence.

So although HGD4 is pretty safe for work, really cute, healthy and heart-warming, it's something he might dislike because of the above-mentioned quote. But it does fit perfectly what he is looking for.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I took a look. It doesn't look like lolicon, which is what really sets me off. I might give it a read.

Thanks for remembering though, Utoptia. You're a pal.

Anyhow, this thread is really for everybody. So don't hold back just because I might not like it.

last edited at Feb 22, 2017 7:51AM

joined Oct 4, 2016

From Takemiya Jin's Seasons:

Maybe and Maybe: Future. Second chapter takes place 10 years after the first chapter.

Spring Breeze, Summer Time, Melancholy Autumn, and for Seasons. Fourth chapter ends with a 10-year timeskip.

last edited at Feb 22, 2017 1:38PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Can real life timeskip to the part where I live happily ever after?

joined Dec 15, 2015

I know what we're looking for is yuri, and god knows how surprising it might look for me to recommend a yaoi, but I believe that not only the following fits what you're searching, but it's also arguably- if not the best, at least one of the best of the genre.

Kimi to Parade and its even better [miles above?] sequel following the couple after a 10 years time-skip.

Well, after a few minutes of thinking, I've to admit it may be |too] angsty, and since, inspite of all the heartwarming moments, it sometimes stabs you right in the feels really hard, it could be out of place here. Still leaving it here nevertheless.

Back on yuri, I can't believe no one already mentioned The structural formula of first love. It's one of my favorite works from Shunita-sensei, and it has several time-skip even if the yuri only really happens in the very end.

I never understood why they removed the time-skip tag though, would have helped you a lot, and it's really not a hard-spoiling tag like some others are.

last edited at Feb 22, 2017 3:04PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Catch! has an implied timeskip at the end. Throughout the main story, the characters are in middle school or high school. At the end, one of the characters talks about celebrating getting hired for a job.

joined Dec 19, 2016

Catch! has an implied timeskip at the end. Throughout the main story, the characters are in middle school or high school. At the end, one of the characters talks about celebrating getting hired

You saw that as implied? I thought it was pretty clear they were still together as adults.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Well, implied in the sense that we don't know how long of a timeskip it is. Could be six months. Could be six years.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, implied in the sense that we don't know how long of a timeskip it is. Could be six months. Could be six years.

They're both definitely out of high school and probably college, given they're celebrating a job offer.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Whew! I'm glad we cleared that up!

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