Well, I didn't expect that xD
So do I.
I love Seju no matter what. But because I'm saying that, it doesn't mean I hate Sumin and Sungji.
weiss , uu knoe uu want ruby 2 kiss uu
Oi, that's a bit harsh. Although seeing as they're already at that stage, it begs the question of how Ruby got that far if Weiss was so against it.
ii lke the art work ..
ahaha ..
It's a trap, Yuma!
Bonus link: http://bakki.deviantart.com/art/Afternoon-nap-Mei-Tracer-637761959
a trap were she will not escape from
These two doing it behind Mari's back... I want this to turn into a dramatic third year love triangle
Somehow, I think you're doing it wrong, Nitori.
Why didn't I think of that?
Nice Kotori, very smooth.
^What a way to go - not only is she suffocating to death, but she's also freezing! It's (probably) worth it, though.
Go for it Yuma!
Mei's face is like 'that was mine -_-'
This is lovely
"looks like i’m drowning in post-finale korrasami headcanons involving marriage and adopting lil babies my apologies"
Adopted, not science babies, just sayin.
Adopted?? No SCIENCE BABIES???!!!.... well at least KORRASAMI!!! XD >~<
Yes, that's exactly what it is.
I'm hoping to see /that/ scene animated too~
I ship these ships.
Eh... even if it's for love you shouldn't be feeding chocolates to dogs. :(
I like the fact the children are adopted. nice pic :)
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