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JonTron hasn't caught up on what to do in this current identity warfare internet world. A common mistake.
He rails against a certain sub-group of individuals in a larger group. But nowadays, if you bash members of X group, somehow it quickly becomes an attack on all individuals of the larger group. Because reasons.
The correct approach is to ignore the (perceived) ignorant/bigot(s) within that group. Like this you don't get attacked by XYZ defense squad. So far, worked out pretty good for me. People being angry at you isn't all that cool.
JonTron hasn't caught up on what to do in this current identity warfare internet world. A common mistake.
He rails against a certain sub-group of individuals in a larger group. But nowadays, if you bash members of X group, somehow it quickly becomes an attack on all individuals of the larger group. Because reasons.
The correct approach is to ignore the (perceived) ignorant/bigot(s) within that group. Like this you don't get attacked by XYZ defense squad. So far, worked out pretty good for me. People being angry at you isn't all that cool.
Most of those tweets were sarcasm. Its kind of hard to believe that he's really a "racist/sexist/xenophobic bigot", I think that some of these people are overreacting y'know. I mean, He's labeled as a member of the KKK because he expresses his distaste with the Protests of the Election? That's pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
Most of those tweets were sarcasm. Its kind of hard to believe that he's really a "racist/sexist/xenophobic bigot", I think that some of these people are overreacting y'know. I mean, He's labeled as a member of the KKK because he expresses his distaste with the Protests of the Election? That's pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
But it's the "Women's March", if you're not supporting the entirety of the platform or members and the actions and methods of said members than you're obviously a sexist bigot. /s Adding the sarcasm tag because it's the internet, you never know
The thing a lot of people are ignorant/dumb so causes and positions are being dealt and discussed in generalities instead of being respectfully treated as complex issues as most are. People in general have strong beliefs even when they're not remotely informed about particular subjects, it's a bad mix.
This is why you see a lot of insults or labels being thrown around by all the different camps when they perceive someone is not firmly in their group.
"Oh, you're criticizing X? You're supporting Y?
Well you must be a Nazi/Liberal/X because only THOSE kind of people would have this opinion."
It's mudslinging and bringing down the discourse level.
The problem is compounded by the accessibility and speed of social media and online news. How many times has there been a breaking story and everyone is hashtagging on tumblr/twitter/facebook with their take on it?
People get enraged, argue, make big walls of text and then lo and below, an update comes up a few hours later/the day after and it turns out the actual situation was completely different and their whole rant is basically just hot air about a now known to be fictional situation.
As for me, I tend to not engage in debates too deeply when I feel like I am not informed enough to make a clear cut position on the subject. A lot of people don't, and that's why you see badly constructed arguments. Twitter is the worst offender of all. Users tweet 140 characters of text with little to no reread and it just flows out without proper filter.
Edit: Oh and memes, don't forget about em'
last edited at Jan 30, 2017 10:51PM
Just started watching Flip Flappers.
Really weird yet nice so far.
Just started watching Flip Flappers.
Really weird yet nice so far.
Keep watching Flip flapper :D it's werid as hell but hella cute X,)
It really is. Yuri is strong with this one. without making people realize it.
Papika is cute af.
last edited at Jan 31, 2017 3:31PM
But it's the "Women's March", if you're not supporting the entirety of the platform or members and the actions and methods of said members than you're obviously a sexist bigot. /s Adding the sarcasm tag because it's the internet, you never know
There are people out there who actually believe the "If you dare say anything bad about "Woman's March" then you're automatically a horrible person who should either Kill themselves or get punched i the face" mindset. Its like that one South Park episode where Kyle says that he doesn't think that Caitlyn Jenner is a hero and then PC Principal goes
ballistic and calls Kyle Transphobic/Sexist and say's it's Hate-speetch. Then him & his little PC buddies just pull nasty jokes on him until he's say's the Caitlyn Jenner is a hero. It's actually a pretty accurate representation of the attitude of many SJW/PC people nowadays. I mean, Being harsh & insulting is NOT how you change someone's mind. But then, There are some people who's minds can't be changed. I think these Martin Luther King Jr wannabe's fail to realize that.
The thing a lot of people are ignorant/dumb so causes and positions are being dealt and discussed in generalities instead of being respectfully treated as complex issues as most are. People in general have strong beliefs even when they're not remotely informed about particular subjects, it's a bad mix.
Yeah, They take one look at the News & they're automatically Anti-cop/Anti-Straight-White-Male/etc. They should really get some more info before they take side's so quickly.
This is why you see a lot of insults or labels being thrown around by all the different camps when they perceive someone is not firmly in their group.
"Oh, you're criticizing X? You're supporting Y?
Well you must be a Nazi/Liberal/X because only THOSE kind of people would have this opinion."
And then their next step is spreading the "Truth" about how you're Pro-Nazi/Pro-KKK/Pro-ISIS/Pro-(insert hate crime group here) just because you expressed some political view that they aren't happy with. It happened with Jontron.
It's mudslinging and bringing down the discourse level.
The problem is compounded by the accessibility and speed of social media and online news. How many times has there been a breaking story and everyone is hashtagging on tumblr/twitter/facebook with their take on it?
I think People being able to tweet their Opinion on some current subject so quickly. That's one of the greatest wonder's of technology. But what you're describing is how the situation got out of hand.
People get enraged, argue, make big walls of text and then lo and below, an update comes up a few hours later/the day after and it turns out the actual situation was completely different and their whole rant is basically just hot air about a now known to be fictional situation.
As for me, I tend to not engage in debates too deeply when I feel like I am not informed enough to make a clear cut position on the subject. A lot of people don't, and that's why you see badly constructed arguments. Twitter is the worst offender of all. Users tweet 140 characters of text with little to no reread and it just flows out without proper filter.
I don't even think Twitter is meant for "Debate's" or some other shit like that. I think Twitter is just a simple way of voicing your opinion on something, But some people just take what you say & twist it so it sounds horrible. Then they attack you. Now I can see why people prefer Facebook lol.
Edit: Oh and memes, don't forget about em'
Ah meme's, What would the internet do without them? They play a big part in our culture. Taking a meme seriously can say a lot about a person's character.
last edited at Jan 31, 2017 5:53PM
Some really late replies from me once more... T_T
@ none
I remembered another very good movie, Antiviral. Since you like horror(?), maybe you'll enjoy it too, Anon.
Many thanks! Will investigate this matter... ;)
@ Blackkitty
I guess you will live...
The dead will always live! ^^
Is it a good movie? I wanted to watch it and enjoy the beauties playing in there, but I realised that I haven't seen all the movies, so firstly I will have to catch up.... ^^"
Ohhh... the Resident Evil movies.... what to say... they are special ^^
Like a retarded little brother can be “special” ;)
Not the kind of movies I'd usually recommend...
But I have a real soft spot for them ^^
They have not much in common with the games I loved... and yet I doubt that I would like them had I never played those games...
They are kinda cool/stupid...
If you like to shut down your brains sometimes while enjoying a popcorn action flick and in case you can stomach some monsters here and there.... then yes, give them a try ^^
I liked the Final Chapter. Not overwhelmingly great, but it was good.
“Project Alice” is the focus of those movies. And, I think, they could have named the whole film series like that because that entire project stands and fails with Alice aka Milla Jovovich. If they would have cast a dull and lackluster kinda actress for that role, I doubt they ever would have made it to movie number six... So... if you like to watch Milla (and the occasional Ali Larter) running around, fighting for her life while doing stuff and thangs ^^, then yes, please give those a try as well ;)
As for the story... there isn't much story to begin with ^^ So it's not like you'd miss a lot ;)
But if you really wanna go on that ride, maybe it is better to start at the beginning ^^
@ Neko chan
Im doing good cutie (¬‿¬), im recovering from illness right now
(o゚□゚)o … what was it...? Ebola? The pox? … polio...? (╯•ω•╰) I hope none of those... ;)
I'm goig on holidays in two weeks! and best friend might FINALLY be coming to Englaind in two weeks, god i missed her, its ben almost two year since i last saw her irl QwQ
YAY!!! (ʃƪˆ▿ˆ) Finally! I hope that this time life will really bring you two together again! ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
What about you My Anon dearest? ;3
Oh... you're too sweet! (≧◡≦)
I'm doing good! ^^ Can't wait for winter to finally end... that snow slush is starting to be a little annoying... I want 11 months of summer a year! ;)
I guess you will live...
The dead will always live! ^^
^ Fancy song ;)
Here's my song suggestion for tonight:
Totally unrelated to the topic, but it just popped up in my head for no apparent reason ^^
^ Songs should pop into your head more often Anon because that song was awesome!
last edited at Jan 31, 2017 6:18PM
Glad you liked it! d (^‿^ )
It's a great song to shout along with ^^
You can almost feel the spit in your face while listening to his screaming ;) Love it!
Actually reminds me that I really used to like The Prodigy! So let's go with some more:
Song of my youth... sigh... those were the times...
But it's the "Women's March", if you're not supporting the entirety of the platform or members and the actions and methods of said members than you're obviously a sexist bigot. /s Adding the sarcasm tag because it's the internet, you never know
There are people out there who actually believe the "If you dare say anything bad about "Woman's March" then you're automatically a horrible person who should either Kill themselves or get punched i the face"
Ok, I don't want to be that guy, but Richard Spencer deserved it dude is a fucking Nazi that advocates for genocide now I know you're not talking about that guy I'm a cis dude so when people say stuff like all straight white guys are the devil it makes me uncomfortable and scared but at the same time I feel like now a day we do have to stand up against jack asses who spew bullshit especially with all the feminist hunting going on.
Hey, yukito ^^
How has life been treating you lately...?
I hope you're doing good! ✌(◕‿-)✌
Okay, I know I'm not terribly welcome in the Café (ironic, given the name) but if we could be a bit less bash-y about feminism and the like, I'd appreciate it. There's always /pol/ or /r/theredpill if you wanna really get into that stuff.
Try to keep it a bit lighter, k?
last edited at Jan 31, 2017 7:11PM
Okay, I know I'm not terribly welcome in the Café
Who said that...? T_T
Of course you are always welcome! Anytime!
Okay, I know I'm not terribly welcome in the Café
Who said that...? T_T
Of course you are always welcome! Anytime!
Can't figure out how I got a different impression on that.
Nez, please stick around the cafe!
Ok, I don't want to be that guy, but Richard Spencer deserved it dude is a fucking Nazi that advocates for genocide
I never heard of him, But it sounds like he's a real piece of shit.
now I know you're not talking about that guy I'm a cis dude so when people say stuff like all straight white guys are the devil it makes me uncomfortable and scared but at the same time I feel like now a day we do have to stand up against jack asses who spew bullshit especially with all the feminist hunting going on.
I agree 100% with feminists on how there should always be equality between both genders, But I highly disagree with Feminazi's on how they think that Woman are superior to Men, They think that they're doing the world a favor when they spout hate speech towards Male's. It's pretty awful.
last edited at Jan 31, 2017 7:25PM
Okay, I know I'm not terribly welcome in the Café
Who said that...? T_T
Of course you are always welcome! Anytime!Can't figure out how I got a different impression on that.
Oh well... it's like a big family... not everyone gets along perfectly... doesn't mean we don't love them nonetheless... (´・(ェ)・`)
When people come together some vexations are bound to happen, I guess... But I always liked having you around. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!
Okay, I know I'm not terribly welcome in the Café
Who said that...? T_T
Of course you are always welcome! Anytime!Can't figure out how I got a different impression on that.
Oh well... it's like a big family... not everyone gets along perfectly... doesn't mean we don't love them nonetheless... (´・(ェ)・`)
When people come together some vexations are bound to happen, I guess... But I always liked having you around. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!
So... Anon is the kind all-loving mother of the family?
Oh well... it's like a big family... not everyone gets along perfectly... doesn't mean we don't love them nonetheless... (´・(ェ)・`)
When people come together some vexations are bound to happen, I guess... But I always liked having you around. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!So... Anon is the kind all-loving mother of the family?
...more like the creepy uncle that people would like to ignore but who still always shows up (;ↀ⌓ↀ)
Okay, I know I'm not terribly welcome in the Café (ironic, given the name) but if we could be a bit less bash-y about feminism and the like, I'd appreciate it. There's always /pol/ or /r/theredpill if you wanna really get into that stuff.
Try to keep it a bit lighter, k?
Yeah, I was trying to find a good way to drop the feminism conversation. I was just trying to find out what the whole hate on Jontron was about. Then it turned into a giant discussion on the topic of SJW's, Man I really drag conversations out for to long. Its a bad habit of mine T_T
Oh well... it's like a big family... not everyone gets along perfectly... doesn't mean we don't love them nonetheless... (´・(ェ)・`)
When people come together some vexations are bound to happen, I guess... But I always liked having you around. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!So... Anon is the kind all-loving mother of the family?
...more like the creepy uncle that people would like to ignore but who still always shows up (;ↀ⌓ↀ)
Eh, I thought that was me, you def look more the part of all-loving mother 8D
So... Anon is the kind all-loving mother of the family?
...more like the creepy uncle that people would like to ignore but who still always shows up (;ↀ⌓ↀ)
Eh, I thought that was me, you def look more the part of all-loving mother 8D
Oh, please don't make me feel so old! ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
And you, uncle, you're not creepy, just misunderstood! (。◕‿◕。)