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joined Sep 8, 2016

Adorable! ^//////^

Not enough to make me get over the horrid 3D of this anime though.

joined Sep 8, 2016

I love how she didn't comletely loose it over this. Some good maturity here. ^^

joined Sep 8, 2016

Kick out third wheel Nico! This is important!

joined Sep 8, 2016

Yuri goggles? Or the truth? XD

joined Feb 1, 2013

@Darkfire213: Well of course these dorks would have matching outfits

joined Feb 1, 2013

Enchanted lenses of "True sight".

joined Aug 4, 2016


drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

I think "see all this potential turn into queerbait" and "KyoAni won't allow it" is a weird way of looking at it. I mean, the original light novels this was based on was het, you know that right? And in adapating it, they've removed the vast majority of that and emphasised these two. The only reason you wish they could be gay together is because they made it that gay.

It might go het in the end, we don't know at this point, but if they'd followed the source more accurately, you wouldn't have even had these two as a couple in the first place most likely. Would you have honestly rather had nothing over a couple that they won't make kiss in the show?

joined Apr 12, 2016

^ I don't watch the show so I definitely can't give a proper answer, but I personally would rather have nothing than be given queerbait (if that was what the question was asking). I'm not saying the show is queerbait (I don't watch it so I can't comment whatsoever about it), but hypothetically speaking, if it was, I would've preferred that they remain loyal to the source material in the first place if that's the end goal anyway. The fact that the studio is responsible for this couple existing to begin with doesn't give them the free pass to just do whatever with them especially since how much adaptations differ from the source material has always been up to the people doing the adaptation; no one told them to make it gayer then suddenly complained that it's not progressing how they wanted. That they even created this couple with their own volition means that they're "responsible" (for the lack of a more fitting word) for it and however it impacts the audience.

I just don't want these people to end up being disappointed in the end just because the studio decided to make a particular pair gayer only to not see it through. I don't mean a yuri end by "see it through", but just to simply have one that reflects the fact that the adaptation is gayer than the source material; even I as someone from the outside looking in can see that.

joined Mar 23, 2014

^^ yes I know the original is het, but queerbaiting is still not is nice thing to do. I didn't wish for them to be gay together, KyoAni could have just stick closely to the original and make it het and I would still watch it, because it's a music anime and it's KyoAni and their stuff has almost always been great. But purposely making these two so close together, cutting scenes that supposed to have the other guy in it, just to bait on queer girls is a fucked up thing to do in my opinion. Queer people need positive representation in the media so much and yet companies like this doing shit like "Oh we're gonna make the characters slightly gay but not canonly just to attract you guys but you still don't deserve to get actual queer characters." KumiRei would be a perfect positive queer representation, they have a great relationship and they're not sexualized like other yuri shows, but somehow we still can't have that. Of course this is all just my opinion as a queer woman because I don't like queerbait in general. So yes it would be better if they had focus on Kumiko and Shoe's relationship from the very beginning instead of making KumiRei so gay and then pull the whole "jk they're straight KumiShoe forever " crap

joined Feb 12, 2016

Unbelievably cute

joined Apr 12, 2016

Of course this is all just my opinion as a queer woman because I don't like queerbait in general.

As an aside, isn't queerbaiting just objectively bad in all angles no matter how you look at it? How can someone actually "like" or be fine with queerbaiting? it's similar to saying "I personally just don't like deus ex machinas in stories", but obviously queerbaiting has a deeper impact on the viewers so it's worse.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

A large problem with that though is what exactly do people think qualifies as Queerbait? What people define as yuribait can vary a considerable amount, from things like Love Live and Madoka to Utena. Some people will view a scene as fantastic fanservice which they love, others will despise it as bait. (like those official Madoka pictures from that game people were sharing, that made a lot of people happy when its a similar situation) This series is certainly one that can be considered a more problematic one, due to the source material, but at this moment it's not a Love Lab, it's an unknown. If the series genuinely does add in the het plotlines from the original and focus on them, I can understand the displeasure and people would be free to be upset over it, but that's not currently the situation. It's 99% sure it won't go for a Korra ending, but holding them responsible for something that hasn't happened and getting upset that you can't enjoy a pairing that you wish you could doesn't seem an apt response.

I really think that's a seperate point though, whether or not they should have making it gayer in the first place. My point is not so much about that as much as it is the fact that some people seem to think that KyoAni is preventing the series from being yuri, and wasting the potential they had, when like I said, the only reason the potential exists is cause they added it. That's my major concern over the comments.

And my comment over "Would you have honestly rather had nothing over a couple that they won't make kiss in the show?" wasn't me commenting on the het aspect, it was commenting on the Not Yuri part. It's discounting the possibility of the het being added and focusing entirely on "If it doesn't make them gay, what's the point". If the choice was between "Nothing or Love Labbing", then I would agree that yes, Nothing is better. But that's not what we have at the moment.

last edited at Dec 6, 2016 9:15PM

joined Apr 12, 2016

Whoops, I completely misconstrued your comment then, my bad; my comment was under the assumption that it is queerbait.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

It's understandable, I think I worded it badly.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I wish my emulation of Fate/Extra worked just so I could see this couple in action

joined Sep 28, 2011

Third Wheel Nico is not even surprised at this point

joined Jun 22, 2013

Let's try these yuri vision goggles!


Everything looks the same.

joined Apr 12, 2016

The pic isn't even from Fate/Extra; it's for the upcoming Fate/Extella. Yuja drew it because it already came out in Japan. She also drew Hakuno x Altera from that game.

last edited at Dec 6, 2016 10:12PM

joined Aug 4, 2016

Something is queerbait if they make characters seem gay but turn out to be straight. Euphonium is queerbait because of all the KumiRei stuff while making sure to occasionally remind viewers that Reina is in love with her male teacher. I wouldn't consider things like Madoka Magica and Love Live to be queerbait because they don't do this, even if they don't 100% canonize any gay relationships.

Like AkiraH, I'd prefer it to be honest het to queerbait. Yuri is my jam, but I can enjoy good het, too, and there are plenty of other things about Euphonium to like.

Also, I love Love Lab.

joined Oct 4, 2016

[adjusts the cuteness to more believable levels]

last edited at Dec 7, 2016 10:33AM

joined Feb 11, 2014

So this is Overgay, uh ? :p

Or maybe Gaywatch is actually more fitting...

last edited at Dec 7, 2016 8:42AM

joined Jun 21, 2016

the truth glasses lol

joined May 3, 2016

Nico's probably jealous, because Eli took Nozomi away from her and is now rubbing it in her face. Something like that.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Hey how you doing little mama let me whisper in your ear

last edited at Dec 7, 2016 5:54PM

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