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Forum › Medieval discussion

joined Aug 16, 2014

What happened to that one-shot that was tagged with this?

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015


What happened to that one-shot that was tagged with this?

I ate it ;x

last edited at Oct 25, 2015 4:26PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Orphan tag? Has nothing at all associated with it.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What happened to that one-shot that was tagged with this?

Maybe it gained Enlightenment?

joined Aug 16, 2014

What happened to that one-shot that was tagged with this?

Maybe it gained Enlightenment?

I'll save a reply for December 2017.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What happened to that one-shot that was tagged with this?

Maybe it gained Enlightenment?

I'll save a reply for December 2017.

It's a date!

joined Aug 16, 2014


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


So glad to see you again.

joined Aug 16, 2014

So glad to see you again.

Same? Though you're always around, I guess.

I also feel like sharing that I've since found the one-shot I had in mind, I believe it never had this tag and I just misremembered it.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

So glad to see you again.

Same? Though you're always around, I guess.

I also feel like sharing that I've since found the one-shot I had in mind, I believe it never had this tag and I just misremembered it.

I can't believe you forgot our date.

joined Aug 16, 2014

But I didn't, I arrived with days to spare.

joined Feb 18, 2019

can we get an F for this tag

joined Oct 1, 2014


joined Dec 3, 2019


joined Sep 6, 2018

To qualify: No fantasy critters nor anything involving magic. No Stone Age tech neither.

Looks like this will be a joke tag. There’s no way a medieval manga can be produced... it might be boring and more difficult to draw than using fantasy elements.

joined Jul 26, 2016

To qualify: No fantasy critters nor anything involving magic. No Stone Age tech neither.

Looks like this will be a joke tag. There’s no way a medieval manga can be produced... it might be boring and more difficult to draw than using fantasy elements.

Vinland Saga and Wolfsmund exist you know, though they're not exactly the sort of fare that gets uploaded here. And I'm pretty sure there's at least a few realistic takes on Jeanne d'Arc around...

joined May 17, 2013

Wicca didn't come about until the twentieth century. Its creator based it on older traditions, but it's still a modern construct.

joined Jun 20, 2020

@Polycell: I don't know European tradition very well, thanks for educating me. Improved version:

The existence of medieval Witchcraft (documented by the church) disqualifies reality itself from this tag.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The existence of medieval Witchcraft (documented by the church) disqualifies reality itself from this tag.

Not really. Witchcraft and sorcery (the terminology varies) were factually practised by wide ranges of people in virtually all cultures known - the trope of "court wizard" is no fiction and such were still common enough in the margins of European royal courts as late as the 17th century, for example, and a 1015 royal decree from Norway outlaws both sorcery and berserkr (indicating both were thought very real by contemporaries). YMMV if Rasputin counts as a very late outlier of the "court mystic" phenomenon. And the Ahnenerbe interviewed an Old Skool hedge wizard in Finnish Karelia in the mid-late Thirties so yeah.

Functional magic is an entirely different story as the sum total of concrete verifiable effects (other than psychological and social) produced by untold millenia of very earnest human magic-working is... lacking. This is arguably the watershed between (pseudo-)historical fiction and pure fantasy - though it isn't unusual for authors to portray ostensibly supernatural elements taken at a face value in-universe in a way that leaves the reader ambivalent over how much of it is real (Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles trilogy treats Merlin et al like this for ex).

last edited at Aug 13, 2020 7:10AM

joined Jun 20, 2020

Dynasty Reader Forum Rule #7: Likewise, racism and other overt hate speech will be deleted as soon as it’s spotted.
Please don't mock the religious beliefs of others again.

"The mind is like a parachute in this—it only functions when it is open."--Lord Dewar

joined Oct 9, 2021

Well I didn't vote for you...

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