Ça serait chill si j'étais aussi confo en français que tu le sembles être en anglais. Ça n'aide probablement pas que beaucoup de mon entourage soit plus anglophone eux aussi, je devrais plus me forcer avec ça aussi >_>
Si le français est ta troisième langue, tu te débrouilles assez bien. Ma troisième langue étant l'espagnol, ma maîtrise de celle ci n'a rien d'exceptionnel et est même assez approximative.
Pour l'anglais, je dois mon niveau aux milliers d'heures que j'ai passées durant mon adolescence à parler sur des forums anglais, à jouer à des jeux, regarder des films et lire des scans en anglais. Ça aide ^^
I don't know if you read [not totally unknown] mangas that are not yuri; you can try reading scans in french. You also can try watching movies you've already seen in english, in french. I can even give you some links if you want.
I wouldn't mind having you talk to me in french either, and pratice is the best way to improve ;)
Merci c'est gentil, je garderais ca en tête (i'll keep it in mind...?)
Ne pas savoir si ça se dit ou non ;n; (tho it's probs clearer for you in french/less likely that you'll make an anglicisme than me)
Last time I proofread, I actually let pass this syntaxe/grammar(?) mistake: We're Friday (or something), because I didn't realise that it's actually wrong in english, no one (english speakers that is) says that, but sounded fine to me because "on est vendredi" orz ALSO doesn't help that it's likely I've heard that phrase before because people around me are bilingual ;u; (french + english speakers, for the most part) i feel like it's a mistake a lot of us would've made
Iron of the Kabaneri was decent at best, I did enjoy watching it though.
It was kinda a bummer how the first half was really interesting, but the second 'arc' wasn't as compelling
But the music in the last eps/scenes was great
^ Then you're left-handed...?
This was fucking good
Neko chan
blackkitty aaaawww that's nice, and also I'm feeling jelly cos I'm underaged so I always have to sneak around when I pm getting drinks XD
*snickering*\ because you're 17 (iirc), and depending on where you live, it might still be a while until you're legal
While I agree that drinking is overrated, it's nice to have these "privileges", that you can choose to or not, tho myself, I've never bothered with it, and when I had my first hangout at a bar, I was already 18. Also rip @ppl under 21 in the states. I always forget about that, until this American friend brings it up and it just feels so troll that I've been fine but she still has to sneak around hehe
So it got me wondering everyone what's your favourite takeout (or home cooked) meal? I'm jus really curiouse what people like to eat across the world ahah ^//w//^
I like.. various things? I guess? I don't usually get takeout. I like... sushi. Salmon (sashimi too). Fried rice. Pasta. Ramen and pho. Strawberry ice cream lmao. Shepherd's pie.
I didn't know what to answer you about takeout or a home cooked meal so I listed random foods.
last edited at Nov 19, 2016 6:30PM