A Nanoha doujin with Yuuno in it? I didn't even know those existed.
Seriously, I was surprised as well!
I still need to watch the 3rd season. Got part way, just need to finish it.
Have fun. I wish I could watch it for the first time again.
The thing about StrikerS is that while I did enjoy it, at the same time I wish they had trimmed it down. The good parts are really good, but it has a lot of bloat in it too, particularly an excessive amount of inconsequential antagonists. There are like 5 plot lines running simultaneously in that sucker.
That is why I have always wanted StrikerS to receive a movie treatment like the first two seasons. I think the first movie was basically on par with the TV show, they both had their good parts, but the A's movie really hit it out of the park. It focused on the things that mattered (like Hayate's relationship with Vita & co, and better establishing the friendship between Hayate, Nanoha and Fate) and excised the things that did not. If only StrikerS could get a movie version as good.