@ Utoptia
Do I look like a pervert that much ?
Just a little... sometimes... (¬‿¬)
.. Everyone is perverted here anyway. Shall I remind you of those cake pictures you used to post, hm ?
I'm not watching porn, to tell you the truth, I'm working and preparing for my school, which starts soon. I'd rather watch po.. read yuri, trust me.
Oh... sounds stressful.
Good luck with your preparations!
You still go to school? Or college?
College (well, more like business school)
It is; and thanks. On a french note, collège means middle-school in our language. (and I believe only a few users [if any] go to this "college"). Teenagers, it's the opportunity to come out.
The only reproach that could be made would be about the current lack of interesting matters
Well... it's kinda hard to come up with interesting topics on a daily basis... and you never know what people really wanna talk about at that particular moment... Not always easy to manage a cafe (◦’ںˉ◦)
You're right. But I believe seeing a new topic pop out is always pleasant.
And everyone is free and welcomed to bring their own subject; and I kind of agree with @Oliver that this kind of IRC-like discussion can repel some. The ideal being a balance between casual talks and interesting subjects.
In Medio Stat Virtus ;)
Galich might be a Kuudere...? (¬‿¬)
Well... the old Galich was at least ;)
It's kinda rare to see you talk about Galich these days. Kuudere would suit her, I agree. I'd say a bit of a coodere too.
last edited at Sep 5, 2016 6:42PM