Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Politics nowadays kinda feels like kindergarten sometimes...
“You are dumb!” - “No, you are much dumberer than me is!!! And your mama is ugly too!”
I can't stand that...

If they hadn't sabotaged Bernie I'm sure he would have had a fair chance to win this election...

@ KinkyKitty

Wow... changed your profile pic... almost wouldn't have recognized you there for a second... O_O

But how do I know that you weren't thinking about CCL all the time...???

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon Alrighty then, was worried that I've started to push the "shy" envelope.

Well, I don't see any alternatives really. Our council of maids has only three members, and KinkyKitty is already being teased by us. That sounds much more dirty than I thought

I'm too afraid to even begin to think what I've left here as my legacy/picture.

Well, we're all oddballs here, but I guess that some of us are a bit more than others. I'm volunteering for the "more" group, never had a problem with that.

Speaking not only for myself but for the rest of thread, glad to hear that you're enjoying the conversation. We're all here to have fun and eat cake.

Well, I've really liked that link. I guess that it applies for us in different manners: I can relate to it, but when it comes to others. I guess that I still have some issues on people not being 100% reliable. Well, guess I should remember the human factor. Don't worry, I have that scene bookmarked and in my heart, I've loved it.

Didn't mean it that way, it;'s just that constantly telling yourself that you're a failure blocks your thinking and sabotages effort. Staying away from the people as well right now, got a few problems that need to be dealt with ASAP.

So.. dirty. I wonder what KinkyKitty will say.

Thank God no one can see how easy I am to embarass through the Internet >.>

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 2:46PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

I've just got reminded how I fail at life as well.. so will be here later xD

joined Feb 4, 2015

You're just jealous, admit it >.>

Jealous of how awesome I am D:

KinkyKitty has disappeared on us! She's sitting in a corner, masturbating while thinking about pleasing CCL with a soap land kinda massage... (゚Д゚)

D: D: D: D: D:

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Politics nowadays kinda feels like kindergarten sometimes...
“You are dumb!” - “No, you are much dumberer than me is!!! And your mama is ugly too!”
I can't stand that...

If they hadn't sabotaged Bernie I'm sure he would have had a fair chance to win this election...

Well I can't help it when most of the others are dumb >_>

But how do I know that you weren't thinking about CCL all the time...???

tbf, aren't you all ? :D

@Anon noo, I was sharpening my teeth for you^^ look at me.. *meow

Your pic nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo D:

I miss your old pic already ;_;

It's been like your face for over a year now D:

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ChocolateCakeLover + Old Fart

That's how it is sometimes... T_T

@ ChocolateCakeLover

You're right, we are! ^^ You're just too gorgeous! It's your own damn fault! ;)

@ Blackkitty

Why? What happened...?

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ ChocolateCakeLover + Old Fart

Worst comes to worst I could always vote for me :D

That's how it is sometimes... T_T

@ ChocolateCakeLover

You're right, we are! ^^ You're just too gorgeous! It's your own damn fault! ;)

I'm sorry :P

joined Feb 15, 2016

@CCL I refuse V: My mind is too busy with important things.

@KinkyKitty That's.. a new image.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Nah... don't worry about stuff like that ^^

Teasing the kinky pussy... That does indeed sound kinda weird... even for our standards...
We're slowly turning into a fetish thread it seems... (゚Д゚)

heheheheh... you know what... whenever I log in here... there's this little delete button at the right top corner... kinda sounds to me like... if I felt like it... I could make it all go away... (☼Д☼)
I have the destroy button at my disposal!!!
I can't live with that much responsibility!!!

No cake for me today! Had too much of that lately... Never thought I would say that but that's how it is... ^^

Does that mean you're blushing all the time in front of your screen? (¬‿¬)

@ ChocolateCakeLover

You got my vote as well! (`∇´)ψ
Now I'm gonna join those protest voters! Hah!

And no, you're not!
I can see you enjoying yourself quite a bit over there... ^^

joined Feb 4, 2015

@CCL I refuse V: My mind is too busy with important things.

rekt ;_;

@ Galich

Teasing the kinky pussy... That does indeed sound kinda weird... even for our standards...
We're slowly turning into a fetish thread it seems... (゚Д゚)

omg anon when did you get so lewd D:

No cake for me today! Had too much of that lately... Never thought I would say that but that's how it is... ^^

tragedy ;_;

@ ChocolateCakeLover

You got my vote as well! (`∇´)ψ
Now I'm gonna join those protest voters! Hah!

And no, you're not!
I can see you enjoying yourself quite a bit over there... ^^

Well then I'm sorry for not being sorry :P

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon Now we're getting into the good stuff V: We can thank KinkyKitty for that.

Assuming we were not a cleverly disguised one to begin with. Seems like she's our fetish.

Well, we can always lower our standards even further, although it seems like we'll have to move into the basement.

Well, worst case scenario you can always redo the entire thread, although it would be a great a shame for my post count.. I mean the great conversations of course. Obviously.

I can always take that button in, I'd take good care of it.

Can't remember the last time I had actual chocolate cake.. more than 2 years, that's for sure.

Furious blush I have no idea what you're talking about Anon!

You'd be surprised to find out how serious that is, in spite of me being quite outspoken and definitely not shy irl.

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 3:47PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@CCL Sorry, but my EU4 game is too important ;____;

Agreeing on the part of Anon getting too lewd, looks like we'll have to enact some countermeasures.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ChocolateCakeLover

I was born lewd! (¬_¬”)
It's just that usually I don't show it much... but that whole kitty thing is just too tempting ^^
I hope I didn't ruin that innocent impression you all had in mind about me now (╯_╰”)

joined Feb 4, 2015

@CCL Sorry, but my EU4 game is too important ;____;

Agreeing on the part of Anon getting too lewd, looks like we'll have to enact some countermeasures.

countermeasures what? D:

@ ChocolateCakeLover

I was born lewd! (¬_¬”)
It's just that usually I don't show it much... but that whole kitty thing is just too tempting ^^
I hope I didn't ruin that innocent impression you all had in mind about me now (╯_╰”)

I'm sorry but... D:

joined Feb 15, 2016

@CCL For this one very time, don't worry, you're not the target. Anon's lewdness is the main threat here V:

Dunno about any countermeasures, got any ideas?

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Yup, it's all KinkyKittys fault! She's messing with our minds!
(You see what we're doing here? We're totally annoying the crap out of her until she returns to us! ^^
I did the same thing with you once and it worked ;P
Well... at least she'll have something to read once she shows up again... (^_-)b )

No!!!! I don't ever plan on using that button... First time I saw that I kinda freaked out... I really hope you have to double verify that... Because pressing a button by mistake is not something entirely impossible... Luckily I don't use a freaking touchpad...

Hah! You totally revealed something there just now! Your post count is more important to you that the thread itself! Shame on you! (‾‾^‾‾)

How serious what is...? You blushing?

(And for real... countermeasures on lewdness... that's not going to turn out well... chances are things are going to get worse... unless you plan to dump me into a convent... Just some piece of advice here)

CCL is in total shock right now... T_T

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 4:42PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@ Galich

Yup, it's all KinkyKittys fault! She's messing with our minds!
(You see what we're doing here? We're totally annoying the crap out of her until she returns to us! ^^
I did the same thing with you once and it worked ;P

@Anon Funnily enough, I was thinking the same thought. Seems to work neatly, I can speak from experience >.>

Well, I'm afraid that she'll explode from the overload of information or something. Would be a shame, especially since that would leave me the only Slav in the thread.

Great, now I want to create a spam thread just to check that. Well, I'm afraid there's a cooldown or something.

I'll repeat what I said before, I have no idea what you're talking about officer (¬‿¬)

Yup. Every time the talk switches to anything even remotly lewd I blush instantly, it's especially awful in crowds >.>

Well, who says that I'm not trying to secretly increase it from behind the scenes? V:

joined Mar 6, 2014

...Alright... So there's this girl i dated like 6 years ago but haven't seen her ever since, this last week she started talking to me again through the net since she's in another country but it was mostly gibberish, sometimes saying she loves me but never following up on that, but then out of fucking nowhere today she says she'll be coming back in 2 weeks, and when she does, she wants to have sex with me


How the fuck am i supposed to react to that?

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Kyonne

Difficult question... Do you still like her?

joined Jan 31, 2013

Sounds like the plot of a hentai anime/manga.

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 5:18PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Don't want Kitty to explode!!!
That would be a mess!!! I don't wanna clean that up! (•_¤)

No need to check that... I'll be extra careful! ^^b

hehe ^^
Well... you certainly didn't grew up among perverts, it seems...
I've heard and seen too much by now... ^^
Our little Galich here is too innocent ;) So let's drop the lewdness for now...
(… but only for now... (`∇´)ψ )
Don't wanna lose CCL for good this time (☉__☉”) So I'll be good...

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Kyonne Well,depands if you like her or not. Still, meeting and seeing how the situation escalates further is always a good idea.

Yet another cynical page opener, Galich style.

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 5:21PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Oh.. I'm so lazy right now.... why so many new posts... now I have to read all..

@Kyonne are you considering saying 'yes'?!

joined Mar 6, 2014

Sounds like the plot of a hentai anime/manga.

I know right?

Difficult question... Do you still like her?

Not really, but it's been 6 years and i know for a fact that she's compleeeeeetely different from before, like, a complete 180
Not that i'm attracted to the new person she's become either, but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't interested to check if she'd really go through with it

are you considering saying 'yes'?!

I just tossed a "we'll see about that" in case she doesn't really mean it, although i do believe she does, if she really means it then... I... Maybe? Fuck, i really need some sleep before sorting out my thoughts

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 5:23PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

Well, worst case scenario we'll just use CCL as cheap labour for cleaning it up all.

But I'm curious now >.>

Not my fault I'm so easy to embarass :( Yay, guess I got some time left.

Unless I get corrupted.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Kyonne

Then just meet up with her and see how it goes. Unless you think she's going to jump at you immediately ^^ But that's not usually a typical reaction for someone you haven't seen in 6 years... There's no harm in just talking. And you can always say no if you don't feel like going any further...

@ Galich

Oh... CCL... I wonder if they'll ever show up again... O_O

You naughty little girl! You totally wanna get corrupted! We're facing some serious issues here at the moment! Friend in need! So try to focus for a second, will ya? ;P

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 5:35PM

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