Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Feb 15, 2016

Hello, this is just a quick announcement post, I'm not gonna stick around Dynasty for a while. Dunno how much it's gonna last.

There's multiple reasons for that, some of them are personal, and some of them are connected to some less pleasant messages on Dynasty. All I can say is that they have nothing to do with this thread nor with people posting inside of it. I know for a fact that at least one person from this thread knows my reasons, but I won't say anything further. It's up to them what they'll do with this information.

I've had some of the greatest internet forum discussion and talks in Dynasty Cafe. I dearly hope and believe that our little cafe will grow even further. Remember, the spirits of Galich will still be here, awaiting for the time in which I;ll come back here.

Not gonna read the comments below this message, but I might still lurk around at times.

On a side note, I've wanted to thank everyone for great discussions we had around here.

With that said, Galich signing off.

last edited at Aug 8, 2016 10:28PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Spoken like a real drama queen ;P

I hope it's nothing serious! And hope to see you back soon!!! You will be missed around here, my favorite music person! (^_^)b

joined Dec 15, 2015

Faust You should definitely watch fate/zero. It really is a great anime, better, darker and deeper than Fate stay night (which is really not great) or UBW. The gif I posted above is from F/0. Moreover, F/0 and FS/UBW are probably the most beautiful anime I've seen in term of animation, with garden of sinners (thanks ufotable).

Galich that's sad to hear. I wish you all the best outside of the yuri kingdom.

Anon I can understand why faust would run away, depressing yuri are the absolute WORST ! ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Just finding and linking the stories above left a very bitter taste in my mouth. I can't deal with this kind of story ...

last edited at Aug 8, 2016 10:33PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

Redacted the previous post so it looks less dramatic and a bit more organized.

joined Sep 21, 2014


My best friend lives there... I miss him... T_T

:< Daijobu //pat pats

My passion for English started with TV shows and video games ;)
My best teachers were Daria, Final Fantasy and Silent Hill ^^ Oh and GTA, of course!
After that I had a wild romance with my dictionary for a few years... (◦’ںˉ◦)


Don't run from it! It's really good!
But, to be honest, kinda expected that most people on here would probably hate it... (^_^“)
It still deserves more love though...

It's probs good, but I'm on an indefinite break from sad gay things for a while

That was the poster I had on my door in my teenage years:
Right after I stopped being in denial (¬‿¬)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Take care, k? //hugs

I am, I saw 10 episodes already. That're more anime I've watched the past 2-3 months, believe me.
I just finished the ep Rin saved her classmates from a murderous mofo, it was great. My main impression of Rin from things I've seen is her being a flustered, tsundere mess, but dang, she's so much more than that, she's so brave and cool as a kid. That episode was basically Erased/Boku dake ga Inai Machi right there
And lmao I did NOT see the gif. I just replied posts from a week ago and didnt look back

last edited at Aug 8, 2016 10:47PM

joined Dec 15, 2015

Faust Well Rin has an important role in the fate serie, since she is one of the MC in UBW and she gets a lot of screentime and development in this serie. She's a tsundere like but thanks to the scenarist she has a depth background and personality, even though she is not my favorite character. (Gilgamesh <3)
One of the good thing with fate is the lack of fan-service; you won't see big breast, swimsuits, ecchi and harem everywhere, and that is a really good point. Girls here are simple but beautiful and don't act like some braindead that you find in almost every anime.

Give us your feedback once you've finished the series, will be interesting.

Oh, you mentioned Erased. Hmm, can't bring myself to like this anime, I don't get the hype on it. I was maybe expecting too much of it. (well every time-travelling anime is tasteless for me since I watched the masterpiece and one of the best anime ever : Steins;gate).

last edited at Aug 8, 2016 11:09PM

joined Sep 21, 2014


Faust Well Rin has an important role in the fate serie, since she is one of the MC in UBW and she gets a lot of screentime and development in this serie. She's a tsundere like but thanks to the scenarist she has a depth background and personality, even though she is not my favorite character. (Gilgamesh <3)

Rin is kakkuuiii. I also think Saber in her suit is super cool too ❤

One of the good thing with fate is the lack of fan-service; you won't see big breast, swimsuits, ecchi and harem everywhere, and that is a really good point. Girls here are simple but beautiful and don't act like some braindead that you find in almost every anime.

It irks me every time Saber's gender is brought up, like how her swordsmanship is impressive because she's a woman. How Kiritsugu got upset at how ppl "pushed" all the responsibility on such a young girl. (Well, it would have been worse, imo, if seeing that she's a girl, they ignored her and didn't let her be King.) Ugh. Because if she had been a young boy, it would have been more acceptable, because a young girl's childhood/innocence is more important than a boy's. Meehh they're like, ppl from older times but still. For femininity to be associated with weakness still bothers me.
Saber is so cool ;_____;
When I saw her scenes with Irisviel in the first eps, I was legit laughing and heavy breathing, with my friend facepalming cus he knew exactly what I was doing
shipping them

Give us your feedback once you've finished the series, will be interesting.

I hope I'll be able to. When I binge something, I tend to forget a lot of details I've just watched :/

Oh, you mentioned Erased. Hmm, can't bring myself to like this anime, I don't get the hype on it. I was maybe expecting too much of it. (well every time-travelling anime is tasteless for me since I watched the masterpiece and one of the best anime ever : Steins;gate).

Well, just cus you saw THE BEST doesn't make other things less enjoyable, imo :P I liked it, though rather than time-traveling, I was more focused on the mystery/thriller part, how he has to integrate his role as a young boy and figure shit out. I kinda like that, the kind of plots that have children in crime-centric plots vs the world of adults, I find it highly interesting, + his relationship with the other children.
I'll have to watch Steins Gate one day too

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich ... I hope that everything goes well for you^^... but you and your cats - you will be missed... :( *cries a little. Good luck wih your studies!... don't you have a facebook or an email xD
Hopefully, Anon Onee-sama stays here longer...^^

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

About that Leo hair thing:
I have straight and silky hair ^^ So no. ;)
A hair dresser once told me that I have lots but the single hair is pretty thin. So fancy stylings don't usually stay long. It's hard to style my hair. But I like it straight anyway... Luckily ;)

And it's okay to watch movies before midnight (^_-)
That doesn't make you boring at all!

I absolutely know the reason why Galich left:

1: He couldn't stand the fact that ChocolateCakeLover isn't around anymore.
That's his Dynasty reason.

2: This time, he didn't just burn his nail while lighting up a cigarette; he torched his whole beard.
So now he's in a state of shock and needs to take a break for a while, while mourning his loss...
That's his personal reason ;P

I'm pretty sure that if we annoy the crap out of him, he'll come back soon! (^_^)b
We all know that he likes his drama and it already worked last night ^^
After my post he did come back to edit his post at least 3 times even though he said he wouldn't read anything below... ;PPPPP

And don't worry about me! ;)
I can't guarantee that I'll be here every day but as long as you want me, I'll come back here (^_-)v

@ Utoptia

Since you also mentioned your blood type.
I got the same problem. Everyone can receive my blood but I'm only compatible with my own type... Not a really fair trade, if you think about it like that... But who cares ;) I don't intend to die of blood loss ^^b

And about depressing yuri titles:
I haven't read Unchanging Days, but I know the rest. Wife to be and Bridesmaid really were depressing as fuck ^^ But life can be like that sometimes too, so I don't really mind stories like that.
I like good characters most of all. So the ending isn't the most important part for me.

@ Faust

Thanks for the consolation ^^

Okay, I get why people don't like sad yuri stories. It's just that I like the variety. And not all stories can be as fluffy as Kase-san, unfortunately ;)

@ Miki

Why did you delete your post?
I wanted to reply but now I can't anymore T_T

Anyway, I'm glad that you seemed happy about things!
It's good that your love for LL was reawakened!
Having something to make you happy is always a good thing...

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 8:02AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon damn it, and my plan was going so well v:

In all seriousness tho., everyone gets what they bargained for: little Galich is back in business. You'll end up regretting it, I assure you v:

Well, got many problems in life right now, but seeing in this thread how many people actually carred for me leaving it, I couldn't go along with not staying here. Guess I should catch up on sleeping before making such posts.

Anyway, how's everyone's day today? Too hot in here, 36 degrees outside. Found some guy's transit card and had to take it into the other side of the city. I think I'm melting.
Surprised to see anyone notice me editing that post 3 times >.>

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 8:36AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Hahahah! ^^

And back he is! ;P

Yeah, sometimes posting stuff late at night and sleep-deprived isn't the smartest idea.
Same with me. Either I get too serious or I can't be serious at all (^_-)

So you wanna go to war with me??? ;)
Can't you see I just outsmarted you?!? (¬‿¬)

Anything you wanna talk about?
I can be appropriately serious as well, you know... (`・ω・´)

Here at my place weather sucks today. All gray and rainy-ish...

And I notice a lot of things, so better be careful ;P

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich Damn you, Galich! you *** drama queen! xD I woke up at 6 am today, and I decided to check out what's going on with the cafe because I was too lazy to get up... and I saw your post and I was really saddened by it... now I feel like an idiot >///<...

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon can't you see it was just a part of a greater plan, a gambit of sorts?!

Well, I do take sleeping medications and mix them with other meds that affect my mood.. Guess it's a receipt for a disaster.

I still don't see any problems officer v:

I'll consider the offer, not sure if I'll end up taking it tho. Don't worry, it won't be too out of line for this site.

joined Jun 22, 2016

Yeah, totally!!! Attention whore!!! ✌(◕‿-)✌

Just kidding! It's good to see you back!

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty sorry, had to be done for the greater good v:

In all seriousness, I hope I didn't ruin your mood too much >.<

Well, dunno if it will make you feel any better, but your post was one of my favourites from this entire thread and a very strong argument for staying. Guess you have yourself to blame :P

joined Jun 22, 2016

We manage to post at the same moment quite often, don't we ;)

I got a friend with depression who takes a lot of meds as well, so that's not all new to me.
I received the best mails from him when he was drunk ^^

But still, be careful with your medication cocktails...

If you wanna talk, I'm here. Whenever you need me...

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon well, I've told everyone I'm a better drama queen than CCL...

Glad to see you happy about it!

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon we still do post at the same time v:

Well, taking antidepressants and mood stabilizers, not related to clinical depression tho. I'm too afraid to mix them with alcohol, but sleeping at night without sleeping meds is a no-no for me. One person in particular got so abused by me with this combination that they're afraid to talk to me now :P

I hear ya, dunno if I'm yet ready to talk about it tho.

joined Dec 24, 2014

Finally getting a break now...downside I've to start my attachment program on 14th Sept until Dec T ^ T aw well, its good experience I guess...and the pay means more money for AFA16 ^ O ^ In the meantime, TERA is serving to be a great time-filler lol...although the only canon yuri pair in the story so far gets a bad end in the storyline > o <

Going to miss being able to see everyone in my class...but, at least I'll get to see them 1 last time next year before graduation ^ - ^

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 9:12AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

straight hair is the best^^.. for lazy people like ourselves ;) mine is straight, but it's usually thin, kind of exhausted, and never stays curled :(.... and since I'm too lazy to make it fancy looking, I had it cut short a while ago.. not very short though^^

Galich... I won't believe him anymore!

well, I want you! You are like a rare specimen of the lavish flower garden in the Leo's royal palace^^ xD

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Rina nice about more money! Well, from what I read you deserve a break.

Well, it always sucks that one is unable to see their full class, but that also means you won't have to see the bad apples of the bunch.

Another page opener, good timing.

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 9:15AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Of course I'm happy about it! (ˆ⌣ˆ​)
If you're gone, I'm the only one left doing those wall posts! Not cool! Not cool at all... ;)

Guess you're right. CCL gave up by now. I miss them too..... T_T

he he
Yeah, our timing is a little off it seems... ^^

Sounds challenging... so please take care of yourself!

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich ok, I might forgive you, if that's the case^^

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Rina Breaks are a happy time, you don't have to see people who you don't like ^^

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

That's right! I got myself a low-maintenance haircut as well ^^
Now I just have to blow-dry it to make it look all smooth and silky and I'm good (^_-)b

Oh... don't give up on him!
He has just a little attention deficit... ;P
When I was younger I had those moments as well – where everything just seemed so dramatic ^^
Especially late at night ;)

Uh, so you want me? (♥͡_♥͡)
I'm right here for you, baby! (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)
You can examine this rare specimen all you want, you know ^^


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