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joined May 5, 2016

So, if Sungji didn't walk into Sumin's life, do you think Sumin would have the courage to talk to Seju and cut her off completely? I would like to think she wouldn't, she would never have the gut to talk face to face and get rid of Seju like that. Sungji is good, Sungji is nice, that Sumin knows and the fear of losing someone like Sungji makes Sumin do that move. Sumin has brought Seju along in her life for 10 years, never cut her off and now when she finally has someone good, she gets rid of Seju. Of course, Sumin needed to talk to Seju, but it should've been nicer if that talk happen before Sumin has found Sungji, not when she's already had someone who is better and she knows that's the best choice. This chap has made Seju is like a back-up plan for Sumin's whole life and now when Sumin has finally found the one, she doesn't need that back-up plan anymore, in fact, that back-up plan is the reason she couldn't reach her happiness..yet. That's selfishness, imo.
Sumin has to make a choice, Sungji or Seju. That's sth we already know from the start of the story. Sooner or later, this chap will happen, and honestly, even if I'm a Seju lover, I still think Sungji will be Sumin's choice, there is no other way, but I would never think Sumin would be this cruel to cut Seju off. Saying you love her and then gets rid of her in a matter of seconds is... I don't know :). The choice will have to be made but how Sumin does it and when she does it are crucial, too. It being a natural thing does not make it acceptable even with every way you do it. And honestly, I couldn't accept the way Sumin gets rid of Seju even when I've always prepared for it

last edited at May 26, 2016 10:00PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Regardless any kind of life/background you have, there are always better and worse ways to live your life. Seju has chosen the worst possible way to live her life imo. That psycho/dying thing does seem to be her next step.

Sumin didn't leave Seju because she found someone better, I would say she did it because she felt guilty hearing Sungji saying that she gave her her heart while in fact she still loved someone else.

joined Feb 5, 2016

May I know what you guys really want Sumin to do?

joined Mar 19, 2016

Say that Sumin is selfish only because she was honest with Seju is a mistake. Sumin had to express her feelings. I think that it is better know that somebody loves you that hate you, the problem is that Seju developed a dependence for Sumin . In pictures you can see how both are suffering. Both cried and both were nervous, for example: when Sumin called to Seju also when she did know how to go into the office… or when Seju decided to drink a coup. They know that something big woul would happen

last edited at May 26, 2016 10:24PM

joined Mar 19, 2016

May I know what you guys really want Sumin to do?

All depends of Seju, we do know with certitude what she wants of Sumin. But if she ask her for a last night together (you know, make love) I think that Sumin needs to think about Sungji, especially when an infidelity was the reason because she broke up with Seju. If she makes the same mistake, she cannot wait a forgiveness of Sungji, in other words, she could lose her opportunity to fall in love again and change her life.

But, how she loves Seju too, I think that she has high probability to yield. (In that case, I hope that she must confront her actions)

last edited at May 26, 2016 10:39PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

So, if Sungji didn't walk into Sumin's life, do you think Sumin would have the courage to talk to Seju and cut her off completely? I would like to think she wouldn't, she would never have the gut to talk face to face and get rid of Seju like that. Sungji is good, Sungji is nice, that Sumin knows and the fear of losing someone like Sungji makes Sumin do that move. Sumin has brought Seju along in her life for 10 years, never cut her off and now when she finally has someone good, she gets rid of Seju. Of course, Sumin needed to talk to Seju, but it should've been nicer if that talk happen before Sumin has found Sungji, not when she's already had someone who is better and she knows that's the best choice. This chap has made Seju is like a back-up plan for Sumin's whole life and now when Sumin has finally found the one, she doesn't need that back-up plan anymore, in fact, that back-up plan is the reason she couldn't reach her happiness..yet. That's selfishness, imo.
Sumin has to make a choice, Sungji or Seju. That's sth we already know from the start of the story. Sooner or later, this chap will happen, and honestly, even if I'm a Seju lover, I still think Sungji will be Sumin's choice, there is no other way, but I would never think Sumin would be this cruel to cut Seju off. Saying you love her and then gets rid of her in a matter of seconds is... I don't know :). The choice will have to be made but how Sumin does it and when she does it are crucial, too. It being a natural thing does not make it acceptable even with every way you do it. And honestly, I couldn't accept the way Sumin gets rid of Seju even when I've always prepared for it

it's not being cruel, I think it would be more cruel to just hand around her and keep giving her false hopes... and it's not like Sumin was purposely waiting for find the one and dumb Seju. She hadn't even admitted to herself she loved Seju. It's not like Sumin doesn't need Seju anymore and gets rid of her. She decided not to see her again because she loves her and that is keeping her from moving on... I mean yes she has made mistakes but no one can say she's selfish for wanting to move on... The reason Sumin is honest and says she loves her is actually because she just doesn't want to cut her off without an explanation and I think this was definitely the right choice...
Nevertheless I don't want to rush into praising Sumin, for all we know she might do something with Seju in the next chapter.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Sumin can't avoid being selfish/cruel since she will always end up being selfish/cruel in regards to breaking up with Seju or in regards to breaking up with Sungji.

joined Feb 5, 2016

One problem couldn't be solved in 10 years, no matter how we look at it, they are really a bad combination.

Normal couples can solve this kind of problem in 10 months, I believe.

joined May 26, 2016

Sumin was unable to love again because she kept comparing her exes with Seju. She has suffered a lot since she lost her parents and been attacked by that man. But that doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants to do. Every one has a lot to suffer, every one got hurt. Seju was in pain too, even more because she loves Sumin a whole lot yet she made that mistake.
Sumin didn't want to forgive Seju, she just needed someone that she could release her angers, to put blames on and to get rid of her miseries. She couldn't handle her problems in her own way, and Seju was there. Then all of Sumin's troubles were on Seju's shoulder.
Seju was there because she felt guilty, she regretted, she wanted to fix their broken relationship. But Sumin didn't give her a chance, all she needed was a person who could carry her problems. She's a coward in every way.
And Sungji is another perfect escape for Sumin when she couldn't deal with her emotionals for Seju, isn't it?
It would have been nice if she left Seju when she genuinely wanted to, when she could love Sungji wholeheartedly, when she could completely forgive Seju. At least she didn't have to say she loved both Sungji and Seju, her heart was way too big.
Even Bella was sure about her feelings when she chose Edward, she loves Edward more.

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:17PM

joined Mar 19, 2016

Sumin was unable to love again because she kept comparing her exes with Seju. She has suffered a lot since she lost her parents and been attacked by that man. But that doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants to do. Every one has a lot to suffer, every one got hurt. Seju was in pain too, even more because she loves Sumin a whole lot yet she made that mistake.
Sumin didn't want to forgive Seju, she just needed someone that she could release her angers, to put blames on and to get rid of her miseries. She couldn't handle her problems in her own way, and Seju was there. Then all of Sumin's troubles were on Seju's shoulder.
Seju was there because she felt guilty, she regretted, she wanted to fix their broken relationship. But Sumin didn't give her a chance, all she needed was a person who could carry her problems. She's a coward in every way.

Sumin kept comparing her exes with Seju for one reason, Seju is her first love and that relationship started when both were adolescents, Sumin was a girl with pure feelings, innocent and frail. When she broke up with Seju she was lost, without that person who represented her soul mate for long time. Obviously you are right when you said that does not mean Sumin can do whatever she wants but If she did it if because Seju allowed it, she was who did not let her Sumin go after the accident in the hospital.

My question is why did not Seju do anything to fix their relationship? She was just hoping the return of a vulnerable and confused Sumin

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:27PM

joined May 5, 2016

Like I said, it's inevitable that Sumin will have that talk with Seju, she WILL choose and she would probably choose Sungji, that will be sth has to be done, no matter what, but again, the way she did it, how she did it, when she did it are completely another thing. One thing I remember most and have made me judge Sumin so hard is this "I want to love someone like falling off a cliff if I let go of her hands, love like I can't live without her", not that "I don't want to hurt someone, bla bla bla". Those words make me feel like she did it for herself, she wants to find love for herself, and now she got a potential one, she gets rid of what is holding her back. Like I said, once again, there would be alot of way to talk to Seju, to make your choice, to everything, but just like Seju back with the red head, Sumin has chosen a not so good way, imo. And Sumin's words make Seju feel like a thing for 10 years. Once again, I repeat though, I don't oppose the fact that Sumin had chosen one of the two, not oppose the fact she talk to Seju, but I dislike how she did it, when she did it and the words she has said.
And do you know what is ironic in this chapter, right after Sumin said that she want to love like she can not live without the other, Seju said exactly those words towards Sumin, the love Seju gives Sumin is exactly what Sumin wants to have, wants to find and Sumin just gets rid of the love she's been receiving to go find for exactly that. That's how ironic things are

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:31PM

joined May 5, 2016

My question is why did not Seju do anything to fix their relationship? She was just hoping the return of a vulnerable and confused Sumin

How though? How could Seju fix it? Tell me a better way for Seju to make Sumin come back to her before Sungji got in the picture. Oh, and please notice this before answering, Seju has always been carrying the guilt of cheating on Sumin, the guilt of what her family(the creepy guy) did to Sumin which further made Sumin get alot of hatred towards Seju. One full of guilt, thinking she deserved it, one full of hatred for what happened to her. So do tell me how Seju go fix it, and why not Sumin go fix it but have to wait for Seju to fix it? It takes two to tango.

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:41PM

joined Mar 19, 2016

And do you know what is ironic in this chapter, right after Sumin said that she want to love like she can not live without the other, Seju said exactly those words towards Sumin, the love Seju gives Sumin is exactly what Sumin wants to have, wants to find and Sumin just gets rid of the love she's been receiving to go find for exactly that. That's how ironic things are

You are right, I feel that Seju gave everything of herself but the only true is that Sumin could not forgive her.

As Sumin said, she loves her but also she hates her for 10 years. The best for both is the separation.

Sungji is the person who is healing Sumin, so that she has just chosen the blonde. On the other hand, it is necessary that Seju let Sumin go; she needs someone new in her life, someone who can do the things that Sumin did not do.

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:43PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

I would say any kind of words or actions Sumin used towards Seju, if that meant to break up with her, it would lead to the same outcome.

last edited at May 27, 2016 12:02AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Umm... yes Sumin wants it for herself. Would it really be right to just choose Sungji because she wouldn't want to hurt her? She is implying she thinks she can't love Seju that way and wants to move on. It has to be done.
And yeah I guess that is kind of ironic but I don't think Sumin meant it that literally... the way Seju acts is kind of insane... Well being stuck in this sort of relationship for 10 years is insane regarding both of them but anyway >.> It's probably like that just because Seju was Sumin's first love and she was young but Sumin had to be old enough in the present to have the job she has. So I guess the 10 years aren't meant to be taken literally, they're just put there for convenience.

joined May 5, 2016

I would say any kind of words or actions Sumin used towards to Seju, if that meant to break up with her, it would lead to the same outcome.

But at least, in my case (not sure about others), if she hasn't chosen this moment when Seju has been so stressed about her father, not say those words (maybe saying she doesn't want to hurt Sungji because she loves her and Sungji loves her, too, sth like that, I don't know), I would probably be less judgemental towards Sumin. Because honestly, those words has a lot of impact and made me remember it right after I read it. Before I read translation, I have absolutely nothing too much against Sumin, just thought "oh, it has to be done, just sooner than I thought, but poor Seju", but after reading it, everything go amplify =)))))

last edited at May 27, 2016 12:01AM

joined Mar 19, 2016

How though? How could Seju fix it? Tell me a better way for Seju to make Sumin come back to her before Sungji got in the picture. Oh, and please notice this before answering, Seju has always been carrying the guilt of cheating on Sumin, the guilt of what her family(the creepy guy) did to Sumin which further made Sumin get alot of hatred towards Seju. One full of guilt, thinking she deserved it, one full of hatred for what happened to her. So do tell me how Seju go fix it, and why not Sumin go fix it but have to wait for Seju to fix it? It takes two to tango.

You have the reason, it takes two to tango.

But the main problem is that Seju has never forgiven herself. She carries with the guilty and that is the reason because Sumin could do whatever that she wanted. When she felt alone, she came back with Seju and the president only accepted that.

When Seju stopped the discussion with Sumin in the chapter 49, once she asked her what would be the problem if she was with someone more? And when she told her she is tired because she is only a human, Sumin kept silence cause she was in shock. Therefore she started to reflect about her feelings.

Maybe Seju would need have more power, not just be passive as she has been until now.

last edited at May 27, 2016 12:06AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

i would repeat, to Seju, there is no "the right time" for Sumin to break up with her, not even when she is happy or not so stressful.

joined Mar 19, 2016

i would repeat, to Seju, there is no "the right time" for Sumin to break up with her, not even when she is happy or not so stressful.

I think the same, Seju is too dependent of Sumin, thus not matter when, Sumin cannot avoid hurting her

joined May 5, 2016

How though? How could Seju fix it? Tell me a better way for Seju to make Sumin come back to her before Sungji got in the picture. Oh, and please notice this before answering, Seju has always been carrying the guilt of cheating on Sumin, the guilt of what her family(the creepy guy) did to Sumin which further made Sumin get alot of hatred towards Seju. One full of guilt, thinking she deserved it, one full of hatred for what happened to her. So do tell me how Seju go fix it, and why not Sumin go fix it but have to wait for Seju to fix it? It takes two to tango.

You have the reason, it takes two to tango.

But the main problem is that Seju has never forgiven herself. She carries with the guilty and that is the reason because Sumin could do whatever that she wanted. When she felt alone, she came back with Seju and the president only accepted that.

When Seju stopped the discussion with Sumin in the chapter 49, once she asked her what would be the problem if she was with someone more? And when she told her she is tired because she is only a human, Sumin kept silence cause she was in shock. Therefore she started to reflect about her feelings.

Maybe Seju would need have more power, not just be passive as she has been until now.

This, I agree with you =)), Seju needs more power in this story, she's pretty passive most of time. However, before this chap, I don't think Seju would be able to fix it, the first thing two of them need to be able to fix their problems has to be Sumin forgives first :). It IS Seju's fault after all, but Sumin never forgive, that's the problem. How could someone forgive herself when she's at fault and the other party is always, always hold the grudges?

joined Mar 19, 2016

This, I agree with you =)), Seju needs more power in this story, she's pretty passive most of time. However, before this chap, I don't think Seju would be able to fix it, the first thing two of them need to be able to fix their problems has to be Sumin forgives first :). It IS Seju's fault after all, but Sumin never forgive, that's the problem. How could someone forgive herself when she's at fault and the other party is always, always hold the grudges?

I am teamblonde but I love each character. And I have to be honest, Seju and Sumin were a pretty and beautiful couple.

For me, their relationship finished, not only because of the infidelity but also it is responsibility of the seju´s brother.

That character is too crazy and now that he is back we know that he has an important secret or something to do.

joined May 5, 2016

i would repeat, to Seju, there is no "the right time" for Sumin to break up with her, not even when she is happy or not so stressful.

No, there isn't but there is a worst time.

joined May 21, 2016

My love for Seju is so deep; it breaks my heart that she isn't with Sumin ;___: but, I understand Sumin's position for initiating a clean cut between them as I've been there myself. While Sung-Ji is such a sweet and wholesome girl, I prefer the dynamic Sumin and Seju had.

joined Feb 5, 2016

i would repeat, to Seju, there is no "the right time" for Sumin to break up with her, not even when she is happy or not so stressful.

No, there isn't but there is a worst time.

10 years a go, Seju was still young, she might not be able to go against her family. These days, her father is sick, she is stressful. In the future, her father passes away and she has no one who she can call family. When is a better time? There is no worst time if there is no better time.

joined May 5, 2016

This, I agree with you =)), Seju needs more power in this story, she's pretty passive most of time. However, before this chap, I don't think Seju would be able to fix it, the first thing two of them need to be able to fix their problems has to be Sumin forgives first :). It IS Seju's fault after all, but Sumin never forgive, that's the problem. How could someone forgive herself when she's at fault and the other party is always, always hold the grudges?

I am teamblonde but I love each character. And I have to be honest, Seju and Sumin were a pretty and beautiful couple.

For me, their relationship finished, not only because of the infidelity but also it is responsibility of the seju´s brother.

That character is too crazy and now that he is back we know that he has an important secret or something to do.

I also love all three of them, just these days I don't like sumin much out of the three and Seju is my favourite since the beginning :), but I don't really care about the ending pairing thing :)). Pairing is not important to me but how it will end is more important. You sew what you reap, I wanna see it, what Sumin has been doing for the past 10 years is not right and she needs a lession for it, Seju has been like this for 10 years, all alone since birth, she needs a better moments, Sungji hasn't done anything wrong, she shouldn't be the victim of this saga( the whole cheating thing, god, how could we wish for Sungji to go through what Sumin had gone through?, that's too cruel), she should be happy, too. Out of the three, I haven't seen signs of those for Seju and Sumin, Sungji is better. I'm waiting for it :)

last edited at May 27, 2016 1:38AM

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