Good morning, cuties... ;D
Okay.. gotta sleep now...
mvl, kittokatto...
Find the link.. and let me know how old i sound like... sound like you're still 5 years old? Hehehe ok just kidding. You sound like you're in your early 20s. You got a very sexy voice. What happened to that person that said she couldn't sing?
Sexy? thanks.. No one told me that before ;D maybe bcoz of the cold..
You dont know how many trials passed before getting that record. I coughed in the middles and hardly reached the bridge notes...
I coughed quite a lot last night before i fell asleep...
Rainy u sound fabulous
and ur def. early 20's
Thank you, elthundercat xD
Well, early 20s is not that bad... its still younger than my real age... hahaha...
last edited at Apr 24, 2016 7:28PM